When nothing is certain, anything is possible . Trust the beauty of not knowing …



When nothing is certain, anything is possible ✨. Trust the beauty of not knowing what lies ahead.

When I wrote my first blogpost back in 2006, I never knew where it would lead. It wasn’t my ultimate aim to be sponsored (and yet I got that), or work with brands (did that too), or meet incredible people and form communities (although that turned out to be an amazing gift). Deep within me I always knew I wanted my words to touch someone because bringing joy through writing; that’s one of the purposes for which I’ve been created. A calling if you will. Now I blog full-time. It’s my job (even if you don’t think it’s a “real one”). And now over a decade later, when I receive fan mail (still feels strange to say) of people sharing how grateful they are that I shared my heart, as if speaking directly into the exact situation or circumstance they’re dealing with, and how it’s bringing joy, or inspiring positive action, MY HEART SWELLS ❤️. I am thankful for each one of you that I get to write for.

If you’re in a season where you have no idea what the future holds for you, take heart. Know that there’s always a power bigger than us that controls everything. You will flourish. You will bloom. You will find comfort. You will find peace. ✨ T R U S T … you don’t always need to know the ‘how’ or ‘what’. Will you trust the beauty of not knowing what tomorrow brings?
#mademoisellenomad #wellwateredwomen



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