Via message
Many of us believe that nothing can change in Mauritius. This is not true. Our government only has 50 years of history. Two generations, literally father and son. What is preventing the change to occur is actually the way our electoral system is designed. With block voting and parties.
What is the alternative?
It is quite simple. We need to abolish the whole system and replace it with a new one. Where general elections are held to elect not 100 ministers and parliament members, but a single President.
Every district will have its own council where it holds elections individually to elect one person at the head of the council. That person automatically becomes a minister in the assembly. The runner ups become district council members.
The assembly is headed by the President, like a Board meeting, who acts as speaker and decision maker. But the President does not have the power to amend laws or take any important decisions on his own. He requires the unanimous approval of all the ministers for that.
In this system, the President will have a mandate of 3 years, after which general elections will be held again. He can be re-elected.
If a minister is not performing well, we do not need to have general elections but a district council re-election for that district only.
Each minister and district council will look after its own district and devise proper town planning and development.
We will no more have village councils and municipalities. Every district will stand on its own right and elect its own minister.
It is of dire importance to abolish the system of block voting and the adherence of political parties in Mauritius.
We need an electoral reform.
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