Via message Since the conversation has started, I'd like to share my views…



Via message

Since the conversation has started, I'd like to share my views on "racism".

One of my cousins worked at a bank in the rural parts of Mauritius. He would tell the story of many Indo Mauritian labourer ladies coming into the bank everyday, queuing up at the teller or banker. Every time a white man would enter the bank, they would step aside and let him at the top of the queue. Did he ask for that to be done? No. Did his ancestors set the precedent? Most certainly. Did the labourers then and those now allow it? Yes they did. Were they always forced to by violence or other dire circumstances? No. Not post independence Mauritius, anyway.

What's been going on for centuries was amplified by a certain few nations deciding they were going to go to other countries and "colonise" them, or make the people there feel lesser, by taking away their lands, families etc etc. But, we also do know for example that in India, kings and landlords of all sorts ruled over smaller states and imposed their superiority according to caste or other. In Africa, people of different tribes sold what they considered their lesser counterparts as slaves to traders of the time. So how could we be oppressed by another race if we ourselves allowed it to happen? If we were already oppressing our own?

We are as guilty of racism as the people we call racist. Each time you feel superior to ANYONE of ANY race, you are the one guilty of racism.

Let's look at our own approach to things. Everything coming from the west we consider better than let's say something coming from Asia or Africa. So many of us aspire to move to "developed" countries, so how is that not a form of looking down on our own? Of making our own people, race, countrymen feel lesser and inferior?

So please, put down your keyboard swords and drop the posts, memes etc etc. Until YOU stop feeling inferior because of your race or whatever, the "superior" people will remain on their pedestal. Till the day you start valuing people for people, God beings, and not something to be classified one way or the other, you will still be a racist, like all those you're so quick at pointing fingers to.

– Arabella Seebaluck




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