Via message Fact Finding Committee done on a college in Curepipe. Staff have b…



Via message

Fact Finding Committee done on a college in Curepipe. Staff have been humiliated, have forced to quit their work. People have been mentally tortured. People have been harassed. People have cried tears of blood during the fact finding committee. Now it is known to everyone that the report is out. Then why immediate actions are not taken. The more authority is waiting , the more staff is still suffering there. TWO people are mainly responsible for this chaos. Everybody knows them. Have they changed. Are they afraid. NO. Are they still causing harm to staff. YES. It is only when someone will die because of them that authorities will then take actions. People out there. Help us. We want to work for our family. We want to live. We want to be safe. We want justice for all staff who are still working. We want justice for staff who have left. This is not only our story. This is the story of all employees.



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