Actor Varun Dhawan has got back to work after a long hiatus. The actor shared a picture from the work place, with a mask on and standing alongside a medical professional. He also shared a video of getting a coronavirus test done.
Sharing the post, he wrote: “ Returning to work. With all precautions. Do gaz ki doori. Mask hai zaroori. Swipe to see my test(it always stings) thank you to all the medical personnel.”
The post saw Tiger Shroff and Amy Jackson react to it and appreciated Varun’s effort. From the post, it is not clear on which project was the actor getting back to. Before the pandemic-related lockdowns came into force, the actor had been busy working on his father’s film, Coolie No 1. A part of the film had earlier been shot in Thailand. In February this year, them team had wrapped up the shoot of the film in Goa and shared pictures too.
Sharing a picture of himself having a healthy breakfast, Varun had written: “Pancake. Friday ek number breakfast. Just wrapped filming for #coolieno1 which is the funniest film i have ever been a part of and decided to celebrate like this.”
Coolie No 1 in the remake of his father’s earlier film of the same name. While the 2020 film will star Varun and Sara Ali Khan, the older 1995 film starred Govinda and Karisma Kapoor.
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