Twinkle Khanna has shared a glimpse of how she celebrated husband, actor Akshay Kumar’s birthday. Twinkle took to Instagram to share a picture with Akshay from the UK, where the actor and his family are currently stationed.
She wrote in her caption, “A small celebration for the big boy’s birthday!” Her post contains two images — one shows the two of them posing with a chocolate cake, and the second appears to be of birthday cards made by their kids, Aarav and Nitara.
The post has been ‘liked’ over 200000 times, with Akshay’s fans coming together in the comments section to extend their best wishes. “Happy birthday sir,” several of them wrote.
Akshay, who is the UK for the filming of his upcoming spy movie Bell Bottom, turned 53 on Wednesday. Earlier, his Good Newwz co-star Kareena Kapoor Khan also took to social media to wish him a happy birthday. Sharing a throwback picture of her older sister Karisma Kapoor and the Khiladi star, she wrote: “This is how I know you… this is how I will always remember you… This is how I will keep reminding you that Lolo was your first co-star and you are my best co-star… you are and always will be nothing but the best. Happy birthday to the one and only Akshay Kumar.”
Twinkle, who is a published writer and former actor, earlier in the week had shared a meme that poked fun at her and Akshay. “How do you know if you are a bonafide star? When you become part of a famous meme,” she’d written in the caption.
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