Travelport brings together Priceline, Qantas and United at NDC Leadership Council



Travelport has rolled-out the findings discussed in the September meeting of its NDC (New Distribution Capability) Leadership Council, where Qantas and United Airlines representatives met with teams from American Express Global Business Travel, BCD Travel, DNATA Travel and Priceline 

The NDC Leadership Council brings together leaders from airlines, travel agencies, travel management companies and corporations with Travelport’s own technology, product and air commerce teams to discuss NDC developments and technical considerations necessary to successfully implement NDC across the travel industry.

As a result of their discussions, the NDC Leadership Council identified focus areas to ensure the development of an NDC solution that is able to operate at scale across the travel industry. The topics discussed included:

  • Architecture and technology representatives will consider the opportunities and challenges of NDC, including latency and asynchronous search with the aim to tackle issues before they arise.
  • Given the complexity of deploying NDC for certain travel intermediaries, the NDC Leadership Council will also evaluate how to eliminate roadblocks in making technical changes for those intermediaries, for example, consolidators.

Commenting on the actions resulting from this meeting, Ian Heywood, global head of New Distribution at Travelport said: “Our NDC Leadership Council is focused on discussing best practices in the implementation of NDC and committed to sharing the learnings from our discussions with a wide audience.

NDC will be most beneficial if it works for all parts of the travel industry so getting a group of leaders together to identify developments is a productive way to continue to drive the NDC conversation and for airlines, travel intermediaries, corporate partners, and consumers to fully realise the potential benefits of NDC. We’re grateful to our airline, agency and corporate partners for lending both their time and their expertise to the Council.”

The NDC Leadership Council meets three times each year. The next meeting will take place later in 2019.


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