Travel experiences not just beautiful rooms!



Imagine you’re at the Opera House about to enjoy a classical music concert. The orchestra is in place with its beautiful strings, brass, percussion and the audience is waiting silently for the concert to start. But it’s only when the maestro takes their place at the center of the stage and with a smooth movement of the hand, the music starts. Although the musicians are well prepared and ready to perform, it is the maestro that leads the orchestra to deliver an amazing musical experience!
Just like the conductor smoothly leads the orchestra to its best possible performance with a sweep of their arm, in the travel industry, agents around the globe sweep the net going through millions of hotel rates and travel solutions to organize the greatest travel experiences. Travel agents are experienced professionals who can understand the travelers’ needs and offer unforgettable experiences by translating those needs into choices of accommodation, transfer, etc.
Maestros enjoy great fame, one that comes with great responsibility. The same goes for travel ‘maestros’, the travel agents, who not only hold big responsibility but are also faced with major challenges.

Lowest price or value for money?
Finding the best accommodation solution at the best price is one of the most obvious objectives for agents. But it can also be a challenge as if things fall through, best price does not guarantee to solve the problem. It’s that very moment when it becomes evident that the lowest price cannot be the sole criterion anymore. Agents are at-most interested in value for money for their clients which means the great price as well as great customer service!

Oh, customer service, where art thou?
Travel agents plan out hundreds of requests every day but in the travel, industry plans can change or simply fall apart. This is where great customer service can really save lives…or more likely, travel experiences! stglobe customer service daily supports travel agents around the globe in their effort to deliver the best possible travel experiences to their clients. So worry not travel agents… you’re not alone!

When too much choice is just too much
Searching through multiple platforms and amongst millions of hotel rates to find the most suitable room is, as the Beatles said, just a day in the life of a travel agent. This task alone can be quite difficult and time-consuming and that is why stglobe has recently launched a series of new features that allow advanced searching and comparing in a matter of seconds. For example, the new flexible dates feature allows simultaneous comparing of up to 5 hotels making selecting the optimal room a piece of cakes!

Demanding travelers means specific solutions
Today’s travelers are becoming increasingly demanding. This means that travel agents need to meet high expectations and suggest solutions that satisfy even the most sought for client requirements. In order to support travel agents meet those expectations, the new stglobe advanced filters offer the possibility to complete advanced searches in a few seconds and tailor search requests according to clients’ specific preferences. By using the flexible dates feature agents are now also able to deliver the best value for money solutions to their clients.
Beautiful experiences not just beautiful hotel rooms

Travelling is a life-changing experience and travel agents are very well aware of that. Travelers are not just interested in a nice room. They want to experience more of the destination they have traveled to, see landmarks, visit museums, concert halls, go shopping, etc. even when on a business trip. They are interested in this information and they want it available fast and without much effort. Understanding this growing need, stglobe allows advanced map-based searching through Google’s brand-new feature: Google Points of Interest helping agents take their clients’ experience to the next level by composing complete travel solutions with a sweep of an arm.
At stglobe, we everyday support thousands of travel agents to find the right room for their clients and offer excellent travel solutions. The stglobe customer service team is committed to answering questions and resolving issues in order to ensure a smooth and easy booking experience for travel agents globally.


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