Travel Advisors Field Cruise Concerns as Coronavirus Outbreak Spreads – Skift



Whether you are a home-based travel advisor or you work in a large office servicing high-profile accounts, the Travel Advisor Innovation Report will have you covered with the trends, news, and features you’ll need to stay on top of an ever-changing marketplace.

It’s been a hectic time for travel advisors with cruise clients, but not in the good way that normally occurs during wave season. Instead of making new cruise sales, many are besieged with cancellations, postponements, and questions from worried clients rocked by the steadily worsening reports of the coronavirus. Not surprisingly, some travel advisors said they were far too busy to answer questions for this story.

Right now the worst thing seems to be the uncertainty about what’s ahead. Will the crisis drag on for months? Will it derail the global economy? Spread to ever-more destinations and local communities?

Many travel advisors are handling the situation with their usual grace under fire so it’s been a time that underscores the value of working with a professional. After the crisis passes, bonds between clients and travel advisors could be stronger than ever.

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— Maria Lenhart, Travel Advisor Editor

For updates on the outbreak, see the Skift LiveBlog: Coronavirus and the Travel Industry

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Skift Travel Advisor Editor Maria Lenhart [] curates the Skift Travel Advisor Innovation Report. Skift emails the newsletter every Tuesday. Have a story idea? Or a juicy news tip? Want to share a memo? Send her an email.

Photo Credit: The quarantine of the Diamond Princess is among factors driving cruise cancellations and postponements. Princess Cruises


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