Actor Tiger Shroff is all set to make his debut as a singer. The actor shared the motion poster of his song, Unbelievable, on Monday. “Always wanted to sing and dance to my own song, but never really had the courage to take it forward. Spent a lot of time exploring and working this lockdown and discovered something new. Its been an ‘unbelievable’ experience, and i’m excited to share this humble effort with you soon #YouAreUnbelievable #TeaserOutSoon,” he wrote on Instagram.
The motion poster had Tiger holding a mike as he enthrals the audience. Disha Patani was one of the first to comment on his post, dropping multiple clap emojis.
The song has been written by DG Mayne and Avitesh. Punit Malhotra has directed the track with Paresh doing the choreography and Santha as the director of photography. The teaser of the song, produced by Big Bang Music, will be released soon.
Tiger, whose last big release was Baaghi 3, has keeping himself busy as India stayed home during the lockdown. The actor recently shared a clip of his home workout. “Excuse the war cries…that felt heavy af @rajendradhole #220kgsdeadlift,” he wrote. The video shows Tiger making two attempts to lift 220 kgs. In the first attempt, he just tries to check how heavy it feels and gives it up soon after. In his second attempt, he lifts the weights till his knees.
Tiger had earlier shared a glimpse of his flying kick by posting a throwback video featuring him and Akshay Kumar. “Usually have stage fright, and this particular day was even scarier when our legendary action hero @akshaykumar sir asked me to show a couple of kicks to the audience at his tournament. Just glad i didn’t mess up. #pressure #throwback.”
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