Actor Abhay Deol who has been in Goa under the lockdown, says he has been doing “great”. “I cycle, I swim, I’m completing my house in Goa (lockdown has slowed things on that front). I’m developing two scripts, I have three films in post production, I’m taking online classes in subjects that interest me, and I lay in the sun everyday so I can keep a nice tan. I’m thankful for the privilege to be able to do so,” he says.
Asked why he chooses to be away from the limelight, the actor says, “Popular actors with big banners behind them get tremendous coverage. That’s the norm and the structure within this industry. So, the fact that I keep a low profile and do not follow a conventional path, whether in the films I do or in the way I stay, makes people believe that I’m choosy or reclusive. Truth is I cannot participate in this hyper capitalism that the industry pushes upon us.”
Commenting on the current state of affairs with a global pandemic lurking behind us, Deol says, “It will take a while, I’m hoping it will be by the end of the year but you can’t really say. I don’t think we can or should go back to normal. We need to rethink the way we structure society, our cities, businesses and prioritise providing for the poor while investing in green technologies to create new jobs. This calamity is also an opportunity. Even if we go back to normal, history proves that such outbreaks will keep happening unless we take drastic measures.”
Talking about one of his recent films, What are the Odds, which he has also produced, Deol says, “Even though I’ve played a part in the movie, my main role was that of a producer. I’m very thrilled, this film does not check any of the traditional boxes.”
The Dev.D (2009) actor who considers himself an optimist, says, “This pause has given the planet breathing space. It’s brought to people’s attention the dangers of unchecked capitalism. It shows that we are all connected, even if we make our own fake borders.”
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