The time has come to commence a new chapter in life with this guy, my favourite person.
In case you missed my newsletter on the cusp of 2019, we are relocating from Melbourne to Mauritius Island. We are leaving next week!
If this comes as a surprise I imagine you might also have some questions (admittedly so do I still!). I will attempt to do my best to answer them… Q: “Wow are you excited!?”
A: “Yes I’m soo excited but to be truthful I’m also scared, sad, stressed out…you name it! All will be well once the immediate transition period settles. The only wisdom I can share right now in the midst of this big change are the mottos I’m going by lately, such as: “Life is short and quirky, join the travelling circus. Learn as much as you can. Count your blessings. Feel the fear, do it anyway. Seize the day and move forward. Life is (tropical) fruitful when you trust in it.” Q: “Will you keep hooping and teaching?”
A: “Always. This is a life long personal practice and service. However Melbourne weekly classes will not continue this year, for other projects to flourish. Including dedicating majority of my energy to my dual career + passion in international sustainable development. I intend to stay in touch with you online from across the globe and dedicate my time to Mauritian life, Arts, community and environment.” Q: “Where in the world is Mauritius, Carmen!?”
A: “Mauritius is a sparkling jewel located in the Indian Ocean, Africa. Hope you’ll come visit us some time…” 😉 Much love, Lucy X
#innercirclehooping #travel #relocating #movingtomauritius #melbournehoopers #hoopdance #hoopdancemelbourne #mauritiuscircus #travellingcircus #hulahoopermauritius #circusmauritius #africa #Mauritius #islandlife #hoopdancers #hoopersofoz #hoopersofinstagram
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