Taapsee Pannu and South actor Lakshmi Manchu have spoken against the alleged ‘media trial’ of actor Rhea Chakraborty, accused of abetment to suicide in the Sushant Singh Rajput case. Lakshmi shared a note on Twitter in which she demanded justice not just for Sushant but for Rhea as well. Talking about the recent Rhea Chakraborty interview to India Today, she wrote, “I thought a lot about if I should respond or not. I see so many people so silent because the media has made a monster out of a girl. I don’t know the truth and I want to know the truth and I hope the truth will come out in the most honest way. I have complete trust in the judiciary system and all the agencies that are involved in bringing justice to Sushant.”
I didn’t know Sushant on a personal level nor do I know Rhea but what I know is, it only takes to be a human to understand how wrong it is to overtake judiciary to convict someone who isn’t proven guilty. Trust the law of the land for your sanity and the deceased’s sanctity 🙏🏼 https://t.co/gmd6GVMNjc
— taapsee pannu (@taapsee) August 30, 2020
She further added, “But until then can we restrain ourselves from being evil and cruel and lynching of person and her entire family without knowing the facts. I can only imagine the pain the entire family is going through with these so-called media trials. If something like this happened to me I would want my colleagues to stand up for me at least the ones that know me to say back off hang on leave her alone and I ask all of you to do the same back off hang on leave her alone until the entire truth is officially released. I am pained by what we have become. How are we being authentic if we don’t speak our heart when we have a voice to lend. I’m standing up for my colleague.”
Also Watch l Sushant’s kin, Ankita Lokhande respond to Rhea Chakraborty’s big charges
Reacting to Lakshmi’s post, Taapsee wrote, “I didn’t know Sushant on a personal level nor do I know Rhea but what I know is, it only takes to be a human to understand how wrong it is to overtake judiciary to convict someone who isn’t proven guilty. Trust the law of the land for your sanity and the deceased’s sanctity.”
Filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma had also shared a video last week about why the media should stop a witch-hunting against Rhea. He had said the second by second media coverage of the case and passing judgement on Rhea’s character without any credible evidence was nothing less than a witch hunt against the Jalebi actor.
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