Actor Swara Bhasker has said that everyone is “accusing each other” online and “people are incapable of listening.” Swara is often trolled for her views about current affairs.
Swara told Mid-Day, “I think our public discourse is the pits, it’s disgusting. I don’t think anyone can remain sane if they subject themselves to that kind of content regularly. As a society, we’re incapable of listening to each other, we’re only accusing each other. It’s a mess.” About how she deals with the negativity herself, Swara said, “I just don’t tune into it. I don’t need that kind of rubbish in my life. Whatever’s happening on Twitter is not a reflection of who I am or the work I’m doing.”
Swara, who recently appeared in the web series Flesh, also opened up on her views about censorship of digital content. “I don’t support it. The reason why OTT is a special and fun place is precisely because there’s no censorship. I don’t think a show like Flesh can be made in its raw grittiness (if it was censored). I do believe in regulation and certification. I think the audience should also self-regulate, and parents should regulate what their children are watching.”
Swara essays the role of a cop for the first time in Flesh, which is about human trafficking. “The industry has become a lot more answerable to the audience than it ever was before. It’s not so insular anymore. A lot of credit goes to social media and the conversations it has generated. I also feel that the industry has become far more politicised than it was. These are the two things. Thanks to OTT platforms, too, we’ve really been able to expand. I don’t know if 10 years ago my web show could have been told as a film,” Swara had said last week in an interview with Hindustan Times.
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