Filmmaker and casting director Mukesh Chhabra’s sister Mamta Handa has shared throwback pictures with late actor Sushant Singh Rajput. The photos show her celebrating Raksha Bandhan with Sushant by tying a rakhi around his wrist.
In the pictures, Sushant is seen with the biggest smile on his face as Mamta ties him a rakhi and they exchange sweets. “Miss those moments when we were celebrating Rakhi at Dil Bechara set @sushantsinghrajput,” she captioned her post.
The photos made Sushant’s fans emotional. “Sushant bhaii is a gem prsn,” wrote one. “It hurts a lot didi..When bhai is not present with u…Love sushant bhai.. Always,” wrote another.
Dil Bechara marked Mukesh Chhabra’s debut as a director and was Sushant’s final film which released after his death on June 14. It was released on Disney+ Hotstar in July. Mukesh was also a close friend of the actor and paid a tribute to him in July through pictures from the movie.Chhabra wrote that it has been exactly one month since Sushant’s untimely demise. “Eik mahina ho gaya hai aaj. ‘ab to kabhi phone bhi nahi aayega tera’ (It has been one month today. Now you won’t even call me ever),” he wrote in the caption.
Speaking about Sushant’s death, Mukesh had told Hindustan Times, “It’s been tough. I was in the middle of finishing the film for release, working on the trailer etc., and looking at Sushant every day- it was so difficult to work on the film. Right now, I don’t know what I am feeling- if I should be happy or sad. There are a lot of mixed emotions and I don’t know how to react to situations now. It is bittersweet, perhaps. For me, the meaning of the film has changed, as he is gone.”
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