A sweet photo of the late actor Sushant Singh Rajput and his ex-girlfriend, actor Ankita Lokhande, has surfaced online. The picture was shared by the Instagram page of Scotchi, a dog that the former couple had got together. The bio calls the Labrador the ‘proud son of Ankita Lokhande’ and the account is followed by Ankita as well. However, it is not known if she runs the page.
The picture features Sushant cuddling with Scotch, as he smiles for the camera. Ankita poses next to him. “Meet Scoooo’s family. We all are photogenic. @lokhandeankita. And Hatchi you were not even born then @hatchi_chhotebhai,” the caption read. Hatchi is Ankita’s other pet dog.
Sushant died on June 14. The Mumbai Police have said that he died by suicide and that he was suffering from bipolar disorder. However, Ankita has said in interviews that the Sushant she knew was a cheerful person and could not have been depressed. The two fell in love on the sets of Pavitra Rishta and dated for six years, before parting ways in 2016.
Ankita, who remained on friendly terms with Sushant’s family even after their break-up, said that she decided not to attend his funeral as she could ‘never forget’ it if she saw him like that. In an interview with Republic TV, she said that she was devastated by the news of his death.
“The next day, there was his funeral and I couldn’t make it because somewhere I knew that if I see Sushant somewhere like that, in that position, that stage… I have my whole life to live and I will never be able to forget that phase. So I decided that I cannot go to the funeral,” she said.
Ankita has been supporting Sushant’s family’s demands for a Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) inquiry into his death. On Thursday, she took to her Instagram page to share Sushant’s sister Shweta Singh Kirti’s emotional video appeal for a CBI probe.
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