Sudhamo Lal: “We have information on 50,000 bank accounts held abroad”



The end of a fiscal year seems the best slot to catch up with the director-general of the Mauritius Revenue Authority for more than a decade, to discuss tax buoyancy, international taxation impact on our international financial centre, and MRA’s indirect way to leverage inequality with a progressive tax system over time. 

Sudhamo Lal features on the cover of Business Magazine this Wednesday 9 October 2019.

Au Sommaire

6 Édito
Inégalités, pesons dans le débat !

8-18 Actualité
Un ralentissement de la Bourse attendu

Croisade de Trump
Fenêtre d’opportunités pour Maurice

20-21 Enjeu
Investissement durable
S’inspirer du modèle nordique

22-28 Cover Story
Sudhamo Lal: ”We have information on 50,000 bank accounts held abroad”

30-31 Portrait
Deepa Manrakhan: Vivre à fond l’aventure entrepreneuriale

34-35 Entreprise
Africaplus Direct International
L’essor technologique booste la croissance

56-57 Our Guest
Ian Halliday: “There are long-standing historical links between Mauritius and Australia”


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