Actor Shah Rukh Khan’s daughter Suhana Khan is a big fan of make up and often shows off her skills with the brush on her Instagram page. On Wednesday night, Suhana shared a new picture which showed her latest experiments with makeup.
The photo, posted on Suhana’s Instagram Stories, show her wearing dewy makeup with bold, nude lipgloss and a glittery pink eyeshadow. She captioned the photo with simply a brown heart emoji.
Suhana is currently with her parents at their Mumbai home. She returned from New York before the coronavirus lockdown was imposed in India. She was enrolled in a film studies course at the New York University.
Since coming back, Suhana has been sharing regular updates and pictures from her life on Instagram for her fans. Her latest post was her sitting on large rocks at a beach in a black dress. She also posed against some tall palm trees during the golden hour and called herself an ‘island girl’.
Suhana also recently shared pictures from an acting project. She was seen crying in one of the pictures and looking all worried in another. “Congrats if u haven’t seen me crying~ quarantine filming,” she captioned her post. She also held in-house photoshoots during the self-isolation period and posted pictures from it on social media.
Suhana has expressed an interest in becoming an actor like her father. Shah Rukh’s elder son Aryan is also learning filmmaking at University of Southern California. The actor, however, has decreed that all his kids need to finish their studies before they are allowed to pursue a career in film. Speaking about Suhana, he had said in an interview to Rajeev Masand, “Suhana wants to act. She is right now at the French festival in Edinburgh. She is doing theatre, she has a coloured face and is doing some mime. It’s good fun.”
“As actors and filmmakers, my kids, in case they wish to come in, they have to bring something new. They can’t live off the stuff their father has managed to do. It’s important they bring in something new and if I impose myself, they won’t be able to. Let them go and bring in something radical and strange. Wrong, maybe. But it should be newer than what I have been able to give,” the 53-year-old actor had said.
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