Sara Ali Khan’s ‘All Lives Matter’ post draws flak online, Karanvir Bohra sees nothing wrong with it: ‘Stop being so intolerant’ – bollywood



Actor Sara Ali Khan drew immense flak online earlier this week for her ‘All Lives Matter’ post on Instagram. Seeing the heavy criticism, Sara immediately took the post down but the damage was already done.

Her post showed fists of white, brown and black persons and the trunk of an elephant, raised in rebellion. The image came with the message of Black Lives Matter, except the word ‘black’ was scratched out to read ‘all’. Sara’s followers found her message insensitive and problematic at a time when the world is furiously debating race-based violence after the custodial killing of George Floyd and the subsequent protests in the US.


“A reminder that Sara Ali Khan has a degree in history and political science from fu**ing Columbia. Her ignorance in spite of her education is astounding,” read a tweet. “Sara Ali Khan was always regressive. Y’all hyped her up because she’s remotely funny and articulate. But she’s always been completely blind and oblivious to any kind of social issue. And instead of keeping quiet she acts the intellectual,” read another tweet.

Several others also supported the actor’s stand and saw nothing wrong with her post. Actor Karanvir Bohra wrote in a tweet, “Can pple stop trolling #SaraAliKhan I C nothing wrong & seriously stop being so intolerant. In the artwork the “ALL” means “EVERY” life matters frm humans2 Animals2 birds2 plants.V r against the atrocities towards black & also against the atrocities towards animals,” he said.


“She’s absolutely right! Every life matters, irrespective of sex, race, region or religion, whether it’s a human or an animal. Every single life matters! Well said, SARA ALI KHAN,” read another tweet in support of the actor.

Not just Sara, many other actors and celebrities have also been tweeting with the #AllLivesMatter hashtag. Other celebrities, such as singer Billie Eilish and actor Ashton Kutcher have tried to educate them as to why the use of this trend is problematic.

Kutcher said, “Tonight, as we were reading her book, my son says, ‘Wait, why don’t I get to go first?’ And Mila said, ‘Because girls go first,’ and he said, ‘Yeah, but boys go first.’ And I looked at him, and I said, ‘No, girls go first.’”

“And I said, ‘You know why girls go first?’ ‘For you and me, girls go first, and the reason why is for some boys, girls don’t get a go at all.’ I think what folks that are writing ‘all lives matter’ need to understand is that for some people black lives don’t matter at all. So for us, black lives matter. So while you may have the best intentions in saying ‘all lives matter’ remember, to some people black lives don’t matter at all,” he said in a video.

”No one else is saying your life doesn’t matter. No one is saying your life is not hard,” Eilish said in a long post, adding that people should stop making everything about themselves. “If your friend gets a cut on their arm are you gonna wait to give all your friends a bandaid first because all arms matter? NO youre gonna help your friend because THEY are in PAIN because THEY are in need because THEY ARE BLEEDING. If someones house was on fire & someone is stuck in the house, are you gonna make the fire department go to every other house on the block first because all houses matter??? NO! BECAUSE THEY DON’T F—— NEED IT,” she said.

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“You are privileged whether you like it or nor. Society gives you privilege just for being white. You can be poor, you can be struggling.. And still your skin color is giving you more privilege than you even realize. If all lives matter why are black people killed for just being black,” she asked. “Why are immigrants persecuted? Why are white people given opportunities that people of other races aren’t…white f—— privilege,” she added.

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