Actor Salman Khan on Saturday took to Twitter to release the first poster of veteran actor Mithun Chakraborty’s son Namashi’s debut film. The film is called Bad Boy and has been directed by Rajkumar Santoshi.
Sharing the poster, Salman wrote: “All d vry best Namashi for #BadBoy. Poster lajawaab!” The poster, in flaming hues of orange and yellow, shows the film’s lead cast Namashi Chakraborty and actor Amrin Qureshi, posing for the camera.
All d vry best Namashi for #BadBoy. Poster lajawaab!@amrinqureshi99 @namashi_1 @khanwacky @InboxPictures @Penmovies @BadBoy_Film #jayantilalgada #sajidqureshi #rajkumarsantoshi #himeshreshammiya #amrin #namashichakraborty pic.twitter.com/Wrg3rntVnH
— Salman Khan (@BeingSalmanKhan) May 23, 2020
Talking about the film, director Rajkumar Santoshi said in a statement, “Just like the poster, the story of Bad Boy is engaging and appealing. Drama, music, action, romance, these elements are the core of the film. Commercial cinema is one of the genres which audience enjoys and loves the most. We present to you our first poster featuring the lead star cast of the film Namashi Chakraborty and Amrin Qureshi.”
Namashi, too, is excited about the film and said, “Bad Boy is a dream come true for me. To be launched in an out and out commercial film, with the guidance of Sajid bhai and Raj ji, was an honour. I enjoyed every second of filming this lovely film”. The film has been jointly produced by Sajid Qureshi, Dhaval Jayantilal Gada and Aksshay Jayantilal Gada.
Salman, meanwhile, has been in self isolation at his Panvel farmhouse with his some of his family members including sister Arpita Khan Sharma, her husband Aayush and their two kids and Salman’s nephew Nirvaan. Also at the farmhouse are actor Jacqueline Fernandez, model and actor Waluscha De Sousa and rumoured girlfriend Iulia Vantur.
While in isolation, Salman and Jacqueline released a romantic song, Tere Bina, shot at the farm. Sung and directed by Salman himself, the song has been composed by his friend Ajay Bhatia and written by Shabbir Ahmed.
Talking about Tere Bina at the time of its launch earlier this month, Salman had said: “About seven weeks ago, when we came to the farm, we didn’t know we will be here under a lockdown. So we wanted to do things to keep ourselves busy. That’s when we decided to do these songs. We launched Pyaar karona and now, we are launching ‘Tere bina’.”
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