Jewellery designer Riddhima Kapoor Sahni’s husband, businessman Bharat Sahni, seems to be extremely excited about her 40th birthday. She turns a year older on Tuesday, and he is counting down to it on Instagram with priceless throwback photos.
A day before Riddhima’s big day, Bharat shared a picture with her from what seems to be from one of their wedding functions. “Countdown to 40! #FabAtForty @riddhimakapoorsahniofficial,” he captioned it. She looks gorgeous in an orange lehenga, with mehendi on her hands, while he is seen dressed in a blue sherwani.
Five days before Riddhima’s birthday, Bharat shared a family portrait from what looked like an early celebration hosted by her cousin, Nitasha Nanda. “Thank you Tashu. The foods never been better! #Countdown #to #Ridds #Birthday #Big40,” he wrote.
The picture featured Riddhima, Bharat, their daughter Samara, Neetu Kapoor, Nitasha, Armaan Jain, Anissa Malhotra, Reema Jain, Randhir Kapoor and others.
Riddhima met Bharat while studying in London. They got married in 2006, after four years of being together. They have a daughter named Samara.
Despite being the daughter of actors Rishi Kapoor and Neetu, Riddhima was never inclined towards a career in films. Unlike her brother Ranbir Kapoor, she chose to stay away from the spotlight.
In an interview with Hindustan Times in 2018, Riddhima had said that her family never pushed her to follow in their footsteps. “I was not interested. I am very old now, but even when I had the chance, I was always inclined towards my creative side, and fashion, jewellery, etc. My parents never pressurised me (to become an actor), they always supported what I wanted to do, be it getting into the fashion business, or getting married in Delhi despite being a Mumbai girl. I am fortunate that my husband too has been supportive,” she said, talking about why she did not become an actor.
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