Republic of Mauritius- Mauritius Table tennis men’s and women’s teams win against Mayotte



Mauritius Table tennis men’s and women’s teams win against Mayotte

July 20, 2019

Domain:Youth & Sports

Business; Citizen; Government; Non-Citizen



GIS – 20 July, 2019: Mauritius and Mayotte disputed the Indian Ocean Islands Games 2019 first matches for table tennis this morning at the Centre National de Tennis de Table in Beau Bassin. The Mauritian Women Table Tennis team displayed its experience and skill by registering 3-0 wins in the preliminary round against the Mayotte team. The Women team defeated Mayotte in all sets. 

On the other hand, the Mauritius Men Table Tennis team defeated their Mayotte counterpart on a 3-2 score. It was Akhilen Yogarajah who sealed the victory with 11-9, 11-6 and 11-7.

The Mauritius men

’s team comprised Akhilen Yogarajah, Chan Yook Fo Brian and Taucoory Rhikesh and the women’s team was represented by Jalim Nandeshwaree, Hosenally Oumehani and Gukhool Widaad.

Government Information Service, Prime Minister’s Office, Level 6, New Government Centre, Port Louis, Mauritius. Email:  Website:  Mobile App: Search Gov


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