Republic of Mauritius- Government is planning for a strategic phased resumption of economic activities, says PM



GIS ​- 05 May, 2020: The
timely and effective implementation of this powerful measure as part of a
comprehensive package of public health response and containment measures has
contribu​ted significantly to contain the spread of the new corona virus in the
country. As a matter of fact, for the last eight consecutive days, there have
been no new reported cases of Covid-19 and we have presently only three active
cases. Government has adopted a consultative approach with stakeholders to
implement the proposed phased resumption of economic activities.


Prime Minister, Mr Pravind Kumar Jugnauth made this statement this morning at
the National Assembly in reply to the Private Notice Question pertaining to
Government’s strategy and plan as regard the easing of confinement restrictions
as from the 15 May 2020.

Prime Minister underlined that Government has been acting with much foresight
in the management of Covid-19 crisis and had already taken a number of
preventive measures as from 07 January 2020 and as soon as the first case was
detected on 18 March 2020 in Mauritius, a sanitary confinement was imposed as
from 20 March 2020.

recalled that a curfew order was issued 22 March 2020 and subsequently extended
on three occasions as it was considered necessary and expedient for the
purposes of preventing the spread of the Corona virus and for the protection of
the population.

Prime Minister underlined that Government’s strategy and plan have been
carefully thought out and are based on scientific evidence and geared towards
preventing a resurgence of Coovid-19. In fact, a National Steering Committee as
well as four sub-committees will be set up to develop a post-curfew strategy
and an action plan for a phased resumption of economic activities, he added.



underscored that Government intends by all means to avoid risk of resurgence
with a second wave of Covid-19 infections, hence the decision for a phased
approach for resumption of activities.

for the strengthening the health care preparedness and capabilities, Government
has taken several measures in terms of procurement of essential supplies and
equipment and implementation of a number of protocols and training of staffs,
highlighted Prime Minister Jugnauth.

Government is envisaging the introduction of the following new legislations to
enhance responses to infectious diseases, namely: a Covid-19 Bill, a new quarantine
bill, a new public health act.

addition, he indicated health service is increasing capacity of PCR tests as
well as carrying out Rapid Antigen test to know the dynamic of the epidemic and
maintaining contact tracing by well-trained personnel.

Jugnauth added that five centres to specially cater for Covid-19 patients are
being set up in the regional hospitals with a total of 60 intensive care units
and 300 beds.

Prime Minister provided the House with various details on the financial support
provided by the Government. In respect to The Self-Employed Assistance Scheme ,
the MRA has as at 04 may 2020, received 253 102 applications and has already approved
189 476 of them and regarding the period 16 March- 15 April 2020  made payments to 277 714 applicants, representing
a sum of  Rs 906 M. As for the period of
16- 30 April 2020, has allocated Rs 2 550 to some 138 670 self-employed , which
amounts to Rs 354 m.

recalled that a Wage Assistance Scheme has also been set up to provide
financial support to private sector employees. Some  15 787 applications from enterprises have been
received for the period of March 2020 out of which 14 271 have been approved
and Rs 1.6 billion has been disbursed for 15 days in March for 246 374 employees
working in 12 668 enterprises.

April 2020, 13 286 applications were received of which 12 380 have been approved
and representing an amount of Rs 2,8 billion, highlighted the Prime Minister .

indicated that Business Mauritius will implement a protocol on post-curfew work
arrangement that has been cleared with the Government. In regards of the public
sector, a comprehensive circular has been issued to all ministries and departments.

Government Information Service, Prime
Minister’s Office, Level 6, New Government Centre, Port Louis, Mauritius.
Email:  Website:  Mobile App: Search Gov


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