The equipment, to the tune of some Rs 700 000, aim at encouraging women to thrive and empowering them. They comprise, among others, personal computers, printers, body shapers, bikes, steppers, treadmills, cooker, baking trays as well as mixers, and will be distributed to all Women Empowerment centres around the island.
In her address, Vice-Prime Minister Jeewa-Daureeawoo dwelt on the good relations that exist between Mauritius and China, and stated that both countries are working together for the emancipation of Mauritian women. She stated that she already had discussions with Counsellor Wang Ju regarding women’s and children’s development and that both of them are currently working on related projects.
This donation of equipment, said the Vice-Prime Minister, is testimony of the privileged relationship that Mauritius shares with the People’s Republic of China and in this context, the Ministry is working on possible collaborations with the Chinese Embassy for empowerment programmes targeting women. She also recalled that, in Budget 2019-2020, Rs 11 million have been earmarked for the renovation of Women Empowerment Centres and for tailor-made programmes to be offered to women.
For her part, Counsellor Wang Ju expressed the intention of the Chinese Government to strengthen exchanges with Mauritius and share experiences on the protection of women’s rights. The Chinese Embassy has given a particular attention to the development of the cause of women in Mauritius and this donation of equipment is part of concrete projects to help Mauritian women, she added.
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