Kapil Sharma has shared a teaser for the upcoming episode of his show, The Kapil Sharma Show, in which he will be seen welcoming actor couple Renuka Shahane and Ashutosh Rana for the first time. While Renuka is known for her role in Hum Aapke Hain Koun..!, Ashutosh is still active in films and was last seen in the 2019 film, Sonchiriya.
The promo video shows Kapil welcoming Renuka and Ashutosh on stage. While Renuka arrives in a white sari, Ashutosh is dressed in a black kurta paired with denims. Renuka shares the never-heard-before details of her love story and reveals that the first time she went on his film sets after they began dating was during the shoot of Sangharsh. Renuka said that she saw Ashutosh saying the dialogue, “Main insaan nahi hu (I am not a human).”
This left everyone in splits. Kapil went ahead and commented, “You are so sweet. How did you fall in love with a person who was wearing a sari and doing (what he did in Sangharsh)?” In the film, Ashutosh played one of the most dreaded characters of his career, that of a religious fanatic who believes in the sacrifice of children to gain immortality. The film featured Akshay Kumar and Preity Zinta as protagonists.
Ashutosh and Renuka have been married for 19 years. On the show, the two will also talk about how it took them three calls to reveal personal phone numbers and three months to actually meet for a date. Opening up about how he proposed to Renuka, Ashutosh said he recited a poem which ended with a question. “She paused for a second and finally confessed that she was in love with me too,” Ashutosh said, as reported by Mumbai Mirror.
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