Actor-politician Ravi Kishan has been accorded the Y-plus security by the Uttar Pradesh government. Thanking the UP chief minister Yogi Adityanath, Kishan tweeted, “Respected CM Yogi Adityanath ji. Keeping my safety in mind, you have accorded me Y-plus security cover. Me, my family and the people of my Lok Sabha constituency are indebted to you and thank you. My voice will always resonate in the Parliament.”
The actor was reportedly getting threat calls after raising the Bollywood-drugs nexus in the Parliament. He had said then, “I’ll speak at the right time. I’ve raised my voice for youths & future of film industry. I didn’t think about my life. Desh ke bhavishya ke liye 2-5 goli bhi kha lenge, to koi chinta nahi hai (Will even take a bullet or two for the country. I don’t worry about it).”
Earlier this month, Ravi was criticised by actor Jaya Bachchan in Rajya Sabha for saying that there was a problem of drug addiction in the film industry. Jaya had said people in the industry were “biting the hand that feeds”. She had also addressed Kangana Ranaut’s statements that the industry was like a “gutter”. Kangana was also accorded Y-plus security cover by the union home ministry earlier this month.
After Jaya’s comments, Ravi had called himself a priest’s son who made his own way. “There is a conspiracy to finish our film industry by hollowing it out. As a responsible member of film industry, it is not just my right but my duty to raise it in Parliament and Jaya-ji should respect that. I am just a son of a priest who crawled his way up and has worked in 600 films,” Ravi said while speaking to ANI.
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