Actor Ranvir Shorey during a Twitter AMA session was asked how he bounced back after negative press coverage due to a fallout with the Bhatt family. He said that he was on the side of the truth. The actor has been opening up about that chapter in his life, which saw him being accused of domestic violence.
A fan asked, “You expressed how an influential family of Bollywood (of course Bhatts), painted your bad image in public through press. How you overcame that? Any tips for misunderstood people. You seem the best person to ask as you stood the test of time & didn’t quit.” He replied, “Lies travels fast. Truth lasts longest.”
Lies travels fast. Truth lasts longest. https://t.co/jnXc1HBHuL
— Ranvir Shorey (@RanvirShorey) September 6, 2020
In a recent interview to Hindustan Times, Ranvir had said that he’d been isolated at the time. “I went through a similar experience where I was professionally and socially isolated, equally pressured from all ends,” he said. “Every chance and every platform they would get, they would be lying about me, saying I am an alcoholic and abuser. You feel so helpless and powerless because these people are so powerful that the press will just listen to them and not even bother calling you for your side of the story. You just feel so helpless and frustrated because you can’t do anything about it. It got really toxic for me at the time and I had to leave the country for a while.”
On Twitter, he also spoke about how Pooja Bhatt married his best friend after he split up with her. “This guy in the photos used to be my best friend right up until after the incident, and then turned around and married her. All kinds of relationships are manipulated and psychological warfare used,” he wrote, referring to Manish Makhija.
Ranvir in his AMA also touched upon his recent public spat with director Anurag Kashyap. Asked if they’d made up, he said, “Yes, @anuragkashyap72 was and is my friend, irrespective of our political views.”
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