Actor Ranvir Shorey has said that there is a group of seven or eight people who always come out to defend Bollywood whenever someone talks of unfair practices in the film industry. Ranvir’s statements have come amid the debate kick-started by Kangana Ranaut when she claimed that 99% of Bollywood uses drugs and called the industry a ‘gutter’.
The actor told a news channel that there are people who believe in projecting a white-washed image of Bollywood to the world. Recently, Ranvir had also tweeted in response to Jaya Bachchan’s statement in the Parliament where she slammed people who were speaking against the film industry.
Adding that he has a problem with people defending the wrong practices, Ranvir told Aaj Tak, “I have a problem with such people who defend the unfair practices. I have seen it first hand. If we always sweep these issues under the carpet, how shall we address and end these? That is why I said that people who defend all of this are either those people who believe they own the industry, khud ko zameendar samajhte hain (they think of themselves as landlords). Or, these people want to please those in power.”
Jaya had said in the Parliament, “People in the entertainment industry are being flogged by social media. People who made their names in the industry have called it a gutter. I completely disagree. I hope that the government tells such people not to use this kind of language.”
Asked why people avoid talking about the problems, Ranvir added, “People do not want to speak because they fear they won’t receive any more work. Of course, I have been at the receiving end. I tried pleasing them in the starting but it has been long since I quit that dream. I am no longer here to please those people or join that cool group. I was sidelined and manipulated. I decided to accept the smaller roles and thought that all this is not worth killing my conscience.”
“I am happy with the small roles, films and thankfully, now , series. I am happy with these rewards now,” he said.
Ranvir had tweeted, “The ones who come out defending the muck in #Bollywood are either the ‘gatekeepers’, or the ones sucking up to them. If you don’t like someone whistleblowing or using their freedom of expression, you’re free to use your freedom of enabling. Don’t see what the fuss is about..”
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