Filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma has shared first motion poster of his biopic, which he plans to release in three parts. RGV tweeted the motion poster and wrote, “Here is the first look motion poster of my biopic “RAMU” #RgvBiopic #BommakuCreations https://youtu.be/jHDwed3uB_4.”
In a series of Twitter conversations, RGV also revealed, “Part 1 will have violence and innocence ..Part 2 will have love and gangsters and Part 3 will have sex and controversies.”
The film is being produced by BOMMAKU MURALI,WRITTEN and SUPERVISED by ME and directed by debutant DORASAI TEJA ..shoot starts in September
బొమ్మాకు మురళి నిర్మాణంలో నా ఆధ్వర్యంలో “దొరసాయి తేజ” ఈ చిత్రానికి దర్శకత్వం చేయబోతున్నాడు .
సెప్టెంబర్ లో షూటింగ్. pic.twitter.com/Gw14jteh5m— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) August 25, 2020
Filmmaker Vasan Bala was quick to respond, “Had really wanted RGV to play Jimmy/Mani’s dad in the Song Montage in Mard Ko Dard Nahi Hota. Wanted to ‘capture’ RGV in a Karategi smashing flaming bricks! We had an hour long chat on Bruce Lee, his fights and of course it ended with a polite No.”
Had really wanted RGV to play Jimmy/Mani’s dad in the Song Montage in Mard Ko Dard Nahi Hota. Wanted to ‘capture’ RGV in a Karategi smashing flaming bricks! We had an hour long chat on Bruce Lee, his fights and of course it ended with a polite No 😎 https://t.co/tewDr5bVN1
— Vasan Bala (@Vasan_Bala) August 26, 2020
Announcing the biopic, RGV tweeted on Tuesday, “BOMMAKU CREATIONS production house is all set to produce a 3 part biopic film on my life ..it will be very very controversial The film is being produced by BOMMAKU MURALI,WRITTEN and SUPERVISED by ME and directed by debutant DORASAI TEJA ..shoot starts in September Each part of the 3 parts of my biopic will be around 2 hours in length with all 3 parts together being around 6 hours #RgvBiopic.”
Well sir ! it depends on which parts of my biopic u will be interested in?…Part 1 will have violence and innocence ..Part 2 will have love and gangsters and Part 3 will have sex and controversies https://t.co/VyxRiy5mJY
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) August 25, 2020
It will be about my life in Mumbai with Girls,Gangsters and Amitabh Bachchan #RgvBiopicపార్ట్ 2
“రామ్ గోపాల్ వర్మ”
—అండర్ వరల్డ్ తో ప్రేమాయణంఇది నా ముంబై జీవితంలో అమ్మాయిలు, గ్యాంగ్ స్టర్స్ ,అమితాబ్ బచ్చన్ లతో ఉన్న అనుబంధాల గురించి. pic.twitter.com/ZQ3Ybi8BhM
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) August 25, 2020
“Each part of my biopic will be about my various age periods and various phases of my life #RgvBiopic. In PART 1 a new actor is playing me when i was 20 years old. A different actor will be playing in PART 2 and I will be playing Myself in part 3. PART 1 is “RAMU” Apart from my college days,firsr loves and gang fights in Vijaywada ,It will be about how i cunningly manipulated and made SHIVA. PART 2 is “RAM GOPAL VARMA” It will be about my life in Mumbai with Girls,Gangsters and Amitabh Bachchan #RgvBiopic. PART 3 is “RGV” —The Intelligent idiot It will be about my failures and my radical thoughts on God, Sex and Society.”
BOMMAKU CREATIONS production house is all set to produce a 3 part biopic film on my life ..it will be very very controversial
బొమ్మాకు క్రియేషన్స్ సంస్థ , నా నిజ జీవితాన్ని 3 భాగాలు, అంటే 3 చిత్రాలుగా నిర్మించబోతోంది. pic.twitter.com/UYDEEjLmTe
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) August 25, 2020
Also read: Ali Fazal’s ‘Hulking’ first look from Mirzapur 2 has Richa Chadha in splits. Watch video
RGV made his directorial debut in 1989 with the Telugu film Siva, which was remade in Hindi the following year with the same name. He has directed a number of critically and commercially successful films, including Rangeela, Satya, Shool, Company and Sarkar.
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