Actor Rakul Preet Singh was interrogated by Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) in Mumbai on Friday. During the questioning, she spoke about a reference to a word ‘doob’ that had appeared in her alleged WhatsApp conversations with Rhea Chakraborty. She said it only referred to rolled tobacco.
On Friday, Rakul was spotted arriving at the NCB premises in Mumbai for questioning over the alleged drug nexus in Bollywood. Actor Deepika Padukone’s questioning session by NCB began on Saturday. Deepika’s manager Karishma Prakash was also questioned on Friday.
According to a report in Mumbai Mirror, Rakul told NCB officials that ‘doob’ in her WhatsApp chats with Rhea only meant rolled tobacco and not any other narcotic substance.
The report, quoting an NCB officer, said: “In the course of our investigation in the Rhea Chakraborty matter, we came across a WhatsApp conversation between her and Rakul Preet Singh in which Rhea asked Rakul Preet whether she had doob and Rakul Preet replied saying it was at her house.” The officer had added that during her questioning, Rhea had allegedly said the reference to the ‘doob’ was a reference to marijuana.
On Friday, Rakul was seen entering the NCB guest house in Colaba around 10.30 am and left after four hours. She had been summoned by the NCB as part of its probe into Sushant Singh Rajput’s death. Her name had cropped up during the interrogation of Rhea, who has been arrested along with over a dozen others, the official said.
(With PTI inputs)
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