Day after actor Rhea Chakraborty was arrested in Sushant Singh Rajput case, film producer Nikhil Dwivedi has lent support to the Jalebi actor and has shared his wish to work with her “when all this is over”. He took to Twitter to share his views about her.
He wrote, “#Rhea I didn’t kno u. I dn’t kno wht kind of person u r. May b u r as bad as u r being made out to b. May b u r not. Wht I do kno is tht how its all played out for u is unfair, unlawful ¬ how civilised countries behave. Whn all ths is over we wud like to work wth u.”
#Rhea I didn’t kno u. I dn’t kno wht kind of person u r. May b u r as bad as u r being made out to b. May b u r not. Wht I do kno is tht how its all played out for u is unfair, unlawful ¬ how civilised countries behave. Whn all ths is over we wud like to work wth u @Tweet2Rhea
— Nikhil Dwivedi (@Nikhil_Dwivedi) September 8, 2020
He also replied to a few who slammed him for supporting Rhea and not tweeting in support of late Sushant Singh Rajput. Replying to the follower who said Nikhil was making “a hero out of her”, he wrote, “Have the courts convicted her? Incase they do, we shall wait for her to do time and reform. In case she doesnt reform then I shall take my words back. But the media & public needs to stop passing judgment. My support is for #Innocentuntilprovenguilty & not for #RheaChakraborty.”
Have the courts convicted her? Incase they do, we shall wait for her to do time and reform. In case she doesnt reform then I shall take my words back. But the media & public needs to stop passing judgment. My support is for #Innocentuntilprovenguilty & not for #RheaChakraborty https://t.co/anunropC1g
— Nikhil Dwivedi (@Nikhil_Dwivedi) September 8, 2020
Replying to another follower who pointed out at the trend of media trials, he said, “Many who r claiming a high moral ground shud kno tht a lot is happening today thanks to them. They set the template. They were sore losers. Media trials on 2002, Loya, EVMs list is endless. But needs to end somewhre. Ths vouyeurism shud ve ended wth #ArushiTalwar case.”
Absolutely. Many who r claiming a high moral ground shud kno tht a lot is happening today thanks to them. They set the template. They were sore losers. Media trials on 2002, Loya, EVMs list is endless. But needs to end somewhre. Ths vouyeurism shud ve ended wth #ArushiTalwar case https://t.co/EQkNC52eDL
— Nikhil Dwivedi (@Nikhil_Dwivedi) September 8, 2020
Giving a reply to the trolls, he said, “To those who think I am supporting a drug user or drug peddler &trolling me.. I wud like to say I DON’T CARE! I m NOT supporting #Rhea but standing up to our tendency to pronounce judgments before law has. I was as disturbed whn men were ousted of their jobs on #Metoo allegations.”
To those who think I am supporting a drug user or drug peddler &trolling me.. I wud like to say I DON’T CARE! I m NOT supporting #Rhea but standing up to our tendency to pronounce judgments before law has. I was as disturbed whn men were ousted of their jobs on #Metoo allegations
— Nikhil Dwivedi (@Nikhil_Dwivedi) September 9, 2020
Nikhil has co-produced movies like Veere Di Wedding and Dabangg 3. Rhea, who has been arrested by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) in a drug case linked with actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s death, was sent to 14-day judicial custody on Tuesday after her bail plea was rejected by the court.
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