Prioritising mental health is important irrespective of the pandemic, says Ileana D’Cruz – bollywood



Turning up the heat with beautiful throwback pictures from her travel expeditions, actor Ileana D’Cruz, is experiencing major travel withdrawal amid lockdown, but she’s making the most of this time by trying her hands at painting and cooking. Away from her family, the actor, 33, admits it gets tough sometimes, but she isn’t letting her mental health get affected due to the crisis. Excerpts:

Over two months into the lockdown…how are you holding up?

Sounds strange but it doesn’t feel like so much time has gone by. Honestly, it hasn’t affected me much as I’m used to living on my own, and doing everything without help. So, it’s been therapeutic for me in many ways. I’ve been organising stuff at home, redecorating, making a few pieces of art, and cooking a lot. I realised that I don’t really need a gym. I’ve been working out in my living room and it’s worked out well for me. But one thing I miss the most is my family and I’m thankful that they’re safe although they are in different corners of the world (in the US).


Is there anything called work from home for actors?

Absolutely, the virtual narration is the new thing now since we can’t have meetings arranged in the lockdown. But I do miss being on the set and hopefully, will get back to it soon. Some shoot of The Big Bull is still left and another project is also in talks.

Do you agree that during such crisis, people need to be more cautious about their mental health? How are you coping with stress amid such gloomy times?

Mental health is important, period. Irrespective of the pandemic, I’ve always maintained that you should prioritise mental well-being over your physical well-being. I have an amazing family and a beautiful support system with some wonderful friends. It helps your mental well-being in times when you need to pour your heart out to someone. Sometimes you just need someone to listen to you. We even have access to virtual sessions with a therapist, if required.


Even post lockdown, do you think getting back to a ‘new normal’ might take a toll on people’s mental well being?

See, safety will be of utmost importance and I’ll follow all safety measures. I’ll continue to do things that I started during this lockdown. I’ll communicate far more frequently with my family, push myself to cook some complicated recipes, declutter my house and my life, and be thankful for every little thing I have. I’m learning to not take anything, especially life, for granted. Eventually, life will move on. We’re resilient and we’ll overcome this pandemic.

One thing you’re craving to do as soon as this virus scare gets over?

I want to fly down to my family and hug them really tight. I want to go to a beach and jump into the ocean. I want to learn to play the keyboard, too.


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