Accor partners with Hann for luxury resorts in Clark, Philippines



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With Hann Lux, Sofitel Clark and Emblems Clark, Accor and Hann now have six hotels together in Clark, Philippines.

Accor is expanding its presence in the Philippines with the signing of two new properties in Clark City. Located within a luxury integrated resort, Hann Lux, Sofitel Clark and Emblems Clark will offer convenient access to high-end fashion stores, French inspired cafes and convention facilities. Sofitel Clark will comprise 300 guest rooms while the Emblems Clark will feature 200 guest rooms.

Sofitel Clark will welcome guests with a ‘magnifique’ array of elegant experiences which embrace local culture, the best of gastronomy and wellbeing. Sofitel Hotels & Resorts, a brand known for its French origins, artfully blends the essence of each destination with French art de vivre, creating chic experiences for modern voyageurs to indulge in and celebrate life’s pleasures. The Sofitel family today counts over 120 hotels across 47 countries with more than 20 hotels in the pipeline.

Emblems Clark will join an up-and-coming collection of emblematic hotels within Accor’s luxury portfolio. The Emblems Collection, launched in 2021, was created to bring together truly iconic hotels that are a symbol of luxury. No matter the destination, guests staying at an Emblems Collection location will experience the feel of being part of an exclusive and select club. Accor aims to open 60 Emblems properties around the world by 2030.




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Cuba :Un touriste italien meurt de la variole du singe


Lundi, un homme âgé de 50 ans, atteint de la variole du singe, est décédé à Cuba. C’est le premier cas recensé dans le pays.

– Publicité –

Un touriste italien atteint de la variole du singe, premier cas recensé à Cuba, est mort dimanche, a annoncé lundi le Ministère cubain de la santé. «Ce patient a évolué rapidement vers un état grave et se trouvait dans un état…


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Le Mauricien

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Réunion du Comité exécutif du CommonwealthHansard Editors Association (région Afrique)



Réunion du Comité exécutif du CommonwealthHansard Editors Association (région Afrique)

 |  Posted by Dasa Appalasawmy  |  0

Sooroojdev Phokeer, Speaker de l’Assemblée nationale, a donné son aval pour que le Comité exécutif de l’Association du Commonwealth des Hansard Editors de la région Afrique se réunisse à Maurice en vue de la préparation de leur dixième réunion biennale.

Dans son allocution lors de l’ouverture de ladite session qui s’est tenue au Receptorium de l’Assemblée nationale le lundi 22 août, l’emphase a été mise sur l’importance du Hansard, le compte-rendu officiel des délibérations du Parlement, qui assure le processus démocratique de l’institution.

Le rôle crucial du personnel du Hansard Unit a été mis en exergue quant à la fiabilité des comptes-rendus publiés en vertu du Standing Order 16. Il a aussi été rappelé que la plus ancienne version du Hansard répertoriée à la Bibliothèque de l’Assemblée nationale date de 1886.


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Hip Hop Talent Of Mauritian Youngsters!#Hiphop #dance#mauritius#maliinmauritius#hiphopstunts#fun


Hip Hop Talent Of Mauritian Youngsters!#Hiphop #dance#mauritius#maliinmauritius#hiphopstunts#fun @Mali in Mauritius …


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PHA and HSMAI Asia Pacific to hold digital marketing conference on 13 Sept



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Phuket Hotels Association (PHA) and HSMAI Asia Pacific have partnered to hold a digital marketing conference, for Hotels & Resorts. The conference is slated to take place at Banyan Tree Phuket from 2pm to 5pm on 13 September 2022.

Being tech-upgraded is sure to set you on the path to success. The big factor for achieving and exceeding forecasts in 2023 will be digital & tech competency. The event is the way of quickly updating oneself on the latest methodologies for profitability focused digital and revenue optimisations. Post the conference you will become aware of the best practices in resort digital marketing and online presence.

It is a unique opportunity to be in the same room with hotel and industry leaders in digital marketing/ advertising, sales, commercial, and revenue management. Attendees can learn from their expertise and best practice outlook for 2023, plus gain a foresight on future trends.

All delegates will be able to be part of the engaging discussion, experience sharing, and some fun at the relaxed post-event networking session. The event will be open for networking from 5:00 to 6:30pm.

Topics for discussion at the conference include: The new customer, The new customer journey. Setting up your commercial team for success. Digital Essentials: Best practices for optimising conversion on your website. Effective communications for sustainable practices in hotels – speaker: David Nicolas, founder, Marketer4Wellness.

Including: How you can use your content and personalisation to improve online conversion. Using automation to improve the productivity of your team and increase guest satisfaction. Getting the best from your sales & marketing function. Revenue Management Essentials: Best practices for optimising revenue and profit and hear about the latest tools to help you implement your strategies.

HSMAI is a 90-year-old, non-profit association and is the industry’s advocate for intelligent, sustainable hotel revenue growth. HSMAI is an individual membership organisation comprising more than 7,000 members globally with a presence in the Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe, Brazil and the Middle East.



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Skift IDEA Awards 2022: See the Winners



Category: Airlines & Airports

SkyBuys – The Future of Travel Retail

The SkyBuys – future of travel retail project revolves around industry award winning IP & technology to help duty free & travel retail operators, airlines, airports and travel agents generate a significant increase in ancillary revenue through smart data-driven, retail technology. The technology is currently being white-labeled and integrated into various partner platforms that service the travel industry, which will allow SkyBuys partners to present duty free & travel retail offers, experiences, exclusives to traveling passengers before they travel – and allow retailers, brands and additional partners to present meaningful, contextual and relevant notifications to help passengers become more aware of what is available based on their unique travel itinerary. 

The airline industry currently has less than 5% of the total global duty free & travel retail market, and continues to rapidly lose its collective share. With SkyBuys technology integrated into their IFE(C) devices, digital channels, as well as part of their frequent flyer programs, they are able to leverage SkyBuys real-time data on passengers, locations and products to influence sales at any point to their passengers.The SkyBuys project was developed by world leading aircraft manufacturer, Airbus, to help deliver new services to its fleets and airline clients. 

Not only are they working with groups to increase ancillary revenue, but they are also exploring avenues to help airlines reduce 100s of kilograms of weight and unnecessary space inside the aircraft cabin. During the Airbus program, SkyBuys and Airbus highlighted how each twin-aisle aircraft can save over 300kg of weight by removing the multiple old duty free trolleys. The 3 main takeaway points translated to millions of dollars of fuel saved, higher efficiencies in crew operations and management, new seat allocation potential to lead to new seat revenues.


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Arrestation d’Akil Bissessur : le CCID appelé à faire diligence dans l’enquête


  • La magistrate, siégeant au tribunal de Bambous, tient à être informée dès jeudi de l’évolution de cette High Profile Probe avec en toile de fond des inculpations de trafic de stupéfiants

Le Central CID se voit dans l’obligation de faire diligence dans l’enquête consacrée à l’inculpation de Me Akil Bissessur  pour le délit de trafic de stupéfiants. De ce fait, les limiers…


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Pèlerinage Père Laval : visite du PM à Sainte-Croix



Pèlerinage Père Laval : visite du PM à Sainte-Croix

 |  Posted by Dasa Appalasawmy  |  0

Ce mardi 23 août, le Premier ministre et une importante délégation se sont rendus au tombeau du bienheureux Père Laval dans le cadre du traditionnel pèlerinage, dans la soirée du 8 septembre, vers l’église de Sainte-Croix. Le chef du gouvernement a exprimé sa satisfaction devant l’avancement des travaux en cours et il a une nouvelle fois promis son soutien indéfectible dans l’organisation de ce pèlerinage. Pravind Jugnauth a aussi demandé à tout un chacun présent lors de cet événement religieux de prier pour la paix dans le pays. Avec un nombre illimité de pèlerins et la messe de 20 h en plein air concélébrée par l’évêque de Port-Louis, le cardinal Maurice E. Piat, est de nouveau possible. Cependant, le caveau du Père Laval et l’église seront fermés à partir de minuit jusqu’à 5 h 30 le lendemain, 9 septembre.

Texte : Thierry Ramasawmy


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