Test : Avez-vous de bons amis ? 6 questions pour enfin le savoir



Comment savoir si vous avez de bons amis ? 

  1. Après une année à l’étranger, vous rentrez enfin au bercail ! L’avion atterrit à 22 heures…

  1. Vos amies n’ont pas eu la patience d’attendre le lendemain pour vous revoir. Elles sont venues vous accueillir à l’aéroport avec une banderole « Bienvenue à la maison ! ».
  2. En posant pied à terre, vous allumez votre smartphone. Il se met à vibrer, annonçant une avalanche de SMS : « Hâte de te voir ! », « On se voit quand ? » …
  3. Dès demain, vous écrirez à vos amies pour caler un déjeuner de retrouvailles.
  1. 22 h 30. Votre fille vous annonce qu’elle vient d’obtenir le poste de ses rêves. Le mois dernier, c’est votre fils qui décrochait le gros lot…
  2. Le bonheur de votre fille est contagieux. Vous décrochez votre téléphone pour partager la bonne nouvelle.
  3. Il est un peu tard pour téléphoner. Vous attendez le lendemain pour faire exploser votre fierté !
  4. Vous vous apprêtez à envoyer un SMS puis renoncez : tout le monde n’a pas votre chance.

Vous ne voulez pas risquer de faire des envieuses.

  1. Ces temps-ci, vous n’avez pas trop le moral…

  1. Vos amies lisent en vous comme dans un livre.

Elles se sont concertées pour vous concocter un programme aux petits oignons tout le week-end.

  1. Vous vous confiez à vos amies, qui se montrent sincèrement désolées de ne rien avoir vu.
  2. Vous faites bonne figure. La dernière fois que vous vous êtes épanchée, vous avez eu la désagréable sensation de passer pour une « pauvre fille gâtée ».
  1. Vous papotez tranquillement avec vos copines devant un café lorsqu’un voisin sonne à l’improviste…

Deux amies dans un café qui s’amusent

Deux amies dans un café qui s’amusent – spm

  1. « Salut Stéphane ! Tu prends une tasse avec nous ? », l’interrogent-elles avant même que vous n’ayez eu le temps de le lui proposer.
  2. « Bonjour, Monsieur », le saluent-elles poliment.
  3. « C’est pas lui le voisin dont elle a rayé la voiture ? », pouffent-elles sans grande discrétion.
  1. Vous faites face à une dépense imprévue qui risque de vous mettre dans une situation inconfortable…

  2. Vous découvrez qu’un virement a été fait sur votre compte. Un message l’accompagne : « Rembourse-moi quand tu pourras. Signé : une amie qui te veut du bien ! »
  3. Vous en parlez à vos amies, persuadée que l’une d’elles pourra vous dépanner. Après tout, la dernière fois, c’est vous qui avez mis la main au portefeuille.
  4. Vous vous serrez la ceinture. Vos amies sont tellement coincées dès qu’il s’agit d’argent.
  1. Pour un week-end prolongé entre copines, vous avez loué un Airbnb.

Sur les trois chambres, l’une dispose d’un lit à baldaquin. Votre rêve ! Pas de chance, c’est également celui de vos amies…

  1. Il y a plusieurs nuits, où est le problème ?

Chacune y dormira à tour de rôle.

  1. Vous tirez au sort pour savoir qui gagnera le droit d’occuper ce lit de princesse.
  2. C’est déjà tellement chouette que vos copines aient trouvé du temps pour partir avec vous.

Du coup, vous faites celle qui s’en fiche.

Résultats du test 

Vous avez un maximum de A

Vous avez des amies fusionnelles

Deux amies fusionnelles

Deux amies fusionnelles – spm

« Une pour toute, toutes pour une ! » , telle est la devise de votre clan. A l’instar de la série télévisée Friends, vous envisagez vos amies comme une seconde famille, voire comme la famille que vous auriez rêvé d’avoir. Impossible de vivre (trop longtemps) loin d’elles et réciproquement. Qu’il s’agisse de faire la fête ou de traverser la tempête, elles seront toujours là pour vous, comme vous serez toujours là pour elles.

Notre conseil : la fusion a quelque chose de rassurant, mais elle rime aussi avec confusion. Prenez garde à ne pas vous perdre dans cette relation, aussi bienveillante soit-elle. S’il est important de partager de bons moments avec ses amies, il est indispensable de savoir passer du temps en tête à tête avec soi-même et de s’autoriser à faire de nouvelles rencontres.

Vous avez un maximum de B

Vous avez des amies sur qui vous pouvez compter

« Loin des yeux, près du cœur » pourrait être votre devise. Vous n’avez pas besoin de voir vos amies à tout bout de champ pour savoir qu’elles sont là. Le lien que vous avez tissé avec elles est indéfectible. Qu’importe si plusieurs mois passent sans vous voir : lorsque vous vous retrouvez, c’est comme si vous ne vous étiez jamais quittées.

Notre conseil : vous avez une relation équilibrée avec vos amies. N’oubliez pas toutefois que l’amitié, c’est comme une plante verte : pour s’épanouir, elle a besoin d’être entretenue, même à dose homéopathique. Un message ou un coup de fil s’avèrent de précieux alliés lorsque l’agenda est trop chargé pour passer du temps avec vos proches.

Vous avez un maximum de C

Vos amies sont plutôt des copines

Le moins que l’on puisse dire, c’est que vous marchez sur des œufs avec vos amies. Vous n’osez pas tout leur dire de peur d’être jugée ou mal comprise. Mais êtes-vous vraiment sûre que ce soient des amies ? Ne s’agit-il pas plutôt de copines avec lesquelles vous tuez le temps plus ou moins agréablement ?

Notre conseil : l’amitié est basée sur des rapports sincères empreints de bienveillance. Peut-être est-il temps de reconsidérer la nature des relations que vous entretenez avec votre entourage. Mettez un peu de distance avec vos amies. Profitez-en pour passer du temps seule afin d’apprendre à apprécier votre propre compagnie. On ne peut être vraiment aimé des autres que lorsque l’on s’aime déjà (un peu) soi-même.


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Windstar Cruises eliminates pre-cruise COVID-19 tests



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Windstar Cruises will no longer require a pre-cruise COVID-19 test for embarking guests (unless required by one of the countries on our current scheduled itineraries).  These changes will go into effect for cruises departing on or after Sept. 6, 2022.

As part of its Beyond Ordinary Care health and safety program, Windstar will still require all guests to be fully vaccinated and show proof of COVID-19 vaccination. 

The exception to this new testing procedure is that Windstar must follow the local rules and regulations of all the countries it visits and currently Canada, Greece, Australia and New Zealand (subject to change) still require COVID-19 pre-testing prior to boarding any ship in their respective waters.

“Safety and wellness are our first concern, and these new procedures will simplify the process of sailing with us on a fully vaccinated ship,” said Chris Prelog, President of Windstar Cruises.

In summary:

  1. All guests must be vaccinated and provide evidence of vaccination status prior to embarkation.  All Windstar crew are fully vaccinated and nearly all crew have received booster shots.
  2. Pre-cruise testing is no longer required in most countries
  3. The updated guidelines are subject to the local regulations of applicable homeports and destinations (presently that includes Canada, Greece, Australia and New Zealand on Windstar itineraries)

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Port | Caudan Water Front | Mauritius #shorts#mauritius



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Leisure travel: What’s trending in 2022



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New study reveals travel customers are rapidly changing their travel habits in planning and booking based on a multitude of factors.

Leisure travel: What’s trending in 2022

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Kagoshima: Kyushu’s sunny prefecture



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Situated at the southwestern tip of Kyushu, Kagoshima Prefecture encompasses vibrancy and tranquillity, all within 3,500 square miles.

This seaside region is home to healing hot springs, fresh local cuisine and heaps of fascinating heritage and history. This picture-perfect location is perfect for those looking for insight into traditional Japanese culture and nature. From its varied wellness offering to delectable cuisine, discover the best of Kagoshima.

Ibusuki Onsen
Ibusuki Onsen, located at the southern tip of Kagoshima, is home to natural hot springs and is famous for its sunamashi, or sandbathing. Volcanic hot springs line the coast of Ibusuki, warming the sands to 50-55 degrees Celsius.

To experience a sand bath, guests wear a light cotton yukata, and lie in a shallow depression on the beach. An attendant will protect guests’ faces with a towel and shovel warm sand over them until they are buried up to the neck This allows the body to eliminate toxins and impurities from the skin, stimulates blood circulation and enables the body to absorb minerals that are present in the sand, providing the ultimate R&R experience.

Kirishima Jingu Shrine
The Kirishima Jingu Shrine is renowned for its colourful, carved exterior, which contrasts with the deep green tones of the cedar forest that surrounds it. The original shrine suffered damage from volcanic eruptions, was rebuilt at the current site in 1715 and is roughly an hour from Kagoshima city by train. This grand vermillion shrine is rich in mythology, as it’s believed this is where the Japanese imperial family can trace its heritage to the sun goddess Amaterasu.

Yakushima National Park
Kagoshima is well-known for Yakushima National Park. This island off the southern coast of Kagoshima has a unique ecosystem which led to its designation as a World Heritage site in 1993. The island has the highest mountain in Kyushu, dense forests home to Japan’s oldest living trees, as well as quiet beaches. Visitors can take a gentle stroll through the ancient forests or simply forest bathe – an ancient Japanese relaxation technique known as shinrin yoku.

Regional Cuisine
Kagoshima Prefecture is a major food hub in Japan. Its satsuma ryori (satsuma cuisine) is famous for bold flavours that highlight the richness of the landscape, from the farmland to the sea. Satsuma-age is a fried fish cake which is made from the local catch, served with wasabi soy sauce. A classic satsuma-age is golden brown on the outside and white on the inside with a light saltiness and sweetness from the natural flavours of fish. Tobiou (flying fish) is another common dish in Kagoshima’s restaurants. Often enjoyed as mild-flavoured sashimi or fried in their entirety, when prepared in the latter way, the whole fish, from head to wings, can be consumed.

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Qantas Apologizes to Win Back Customers Loyalty



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Over the weekend, Qantas issued a formal apology to its customers, along with offers of discounts, perks, points, and more for the airline’s disastrous recent performance, acknowledging the airline’s shortcomings over the past few months and thanking them for returning.

Rebounding international travel demand has been linked to the chaos, which has been blamed on personnel shortages due to the spread of the COVID virus, a smaller labour pool, and extended periods of wet weather.

In a video message to Qantas’s most loyal customers, Joyce said that the company’s recent performance had not been satisfactory, despite their being “valid causes” for the errors, such as flight cancellations, delays, and an increase in lost luggage.

He apologised on behalf of the national carrier and promised to improve service.

Member frequent fliers from Australia and New Zealand will be invited to a Qantas lounge and given a voucher for $50 to use on a round-trip ticket.

An invitation to the Qantas Club or a similar international business lounge, as well as an extension of your Silver status for another year, will be provided to all Silver members. An invitation to one of the domestic business lounges will be extended to Gold members.

Members who have attained the Platinum or Platinum One tier have been offered anywhere from 15,000 to 30,000 bonus Qantas points.

In addition to adding seats on Sunday for international and domestic flights, the airline has also extended the availability of its “classic reward” seats, which may be reserved using Qantas points, through 30 June 2023. About 12% of all airline customers generally use some reward seating.

The formal apology is the airline’s latest attempt to repair its tarnished image, but it has so far failed to win over the Transport Workers Union. The union’s national secretary Michael Kaine released a statement on Sunday saying, “Australia sees through this charade.”

‘Enough of the gimmicks,’ Kaine declared. If Qantas management or Joyce were genuinely concerned about their customers, they would hire a new chief executive with the business savvy to rehire and treat the highly skilled, experienced professionals who left the company with respect.

“Profiteering businesses have undermined the aviation industry.”

Kaine has advocated for creating a Safe and Secure Skies Commission to ensure the continued high quality of services and the stability of the workforce.

This month, Qantas announced it would increase the waiting time between domestic and international connecting flights by 30 minutes to mitigate the number of people arriving at their destination without their luggage.

In 2020, Qantas decided to outsource its luggage ground handling, a move that has been blamed for the travel disruption as it led to the elimination of 1700 jobs. The Federal Court ruled that the action violated the Fair Work Act, and the airline is currently appealing the decision to the High Court.

Qantas and other airlines are trying to address workforce shortages by encouraging managers and executives to take on front-line responsibilities like baggage handling. Qantas said at the beginning of the month that at least one hundred executives would be trading in their corporate duties for those of baggage handlers and tug drivers.

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Giovanni van Bronckhorst admits it was an ‘EASY decision’ to drop Rangers forward Alfredo Morelos



Giovanni van Bronckhorst says it was an ‘EASY decision’ to drop Alfredo Morelos from Rangers’ squad for Champions League play-off against PSV… as Dutch boss insists the forward is not ‘ready to play’ amid fitness and attitude concerns

  • Giovanni van Bronckhorst said it was an ‘easy decision’ to drop Alfredo Morelos
  • He was axed ahead of Rangers’ Champions League second leg against PSV
  • The boss said: ‘I have to bring the players with me which I think are ready to play’

Giovanni van Bronckhorst insists it was an ‘easy decision’ to axe Alfredo Morelos from his Champions League squad.

The Colombian striker was left out of the travelling party for Wednesday’s play-off second leg against PSV at the Philips Stadium in Eindhoven.

Talks over a new contract have also been placed on hold after concerns were raised over the 26-year-old’s fitness and attitude following the eighth red card of his Rangers career in Saturday’s 2-2 draw with Hibs at Easter Road.

Giovanni van Bronckhorst admitted it was an ¿easy decision¿ to drop striker Alfredo Morelos

Giovanni van Bronckhorst admitted it was an ‘easy decision’ to drop striker Alfredo Morelos

Claiming his decision was the result of ‘something that was building up’ rather than a direct reaction to the red card, Van Bronckhorst acknowledged that he felt a duty to send out a ‘signal’ to the South American and challenged him to prove that he still wants to play for Rangers.

‘We are playing a lot of important games at the moment and I think for me it is always the case as a manager that I have to bring the players with me which I think are ready to play,’ said the Ranger boss. ‘For me that was the moment I didn’t include Morelos.

‘As a person it was a hard decision, as a manager it was an easy one because we are here to represent our club and to get into the Champions League tomorrow evening. In my eyes this was the best squad to take.’

Left out of the team since the arrival of £1.8million striker Antonio Colak, questions have been raised over Morelos’ weight and attitude after he laughed off his weekend red card at Easter Road.

Rangers face PSV Eindhoven in their Champions League play-off second leg on Wednesday

Rangers face PSV Eindhoven in their Champions League play-off second leg on Wednesday

Asked where the forward goes from here, van Bronckhorst replied: ‘I think we wait and see what happens. I think the biggest factor in that is Alfredo himself. We have to see how the coming days and weeks will go.

‘I think he has to show me he wants to play for Rangers. I know he wants to play, but to play for Rangers you need to have a certain level mentally and physically and at the moment I think he is not ready to play.’

Both captain James Tavernier and defender Connor Goldson have criticised the actions of Morelos against Hibs.

Denying reports that he consulted the other players before yielding the axe, van Bronckhorst said: ‘No, I made the decision myself. Of course we have a leader group and I speak to the leader group quite often to talk about many things. I always keep in contact with them.’

The Dutch manager claimed the Colombian forward was 'not ready' for Rangers' crucial clash

The Dutch manager claimed the Colombian forward was ‘not ready’ for Rangers’ crucial clash

Insisting the latest controversy to engulf Morelos will not have a negative impact on team morale ahead of the quest to secure a place in the Champions League groups, the Ibrox boss added: ‘No, we are very focused. We trained without Morelos the last few days. The players are training well, we prepared for tomorrow.

‘We have had good meetings and tomorrow we will have the final meeting to prepare for PSV. For me it’s a decision I made but I am looking forward to the task ahead tomorrow and my players have the same feeling.’

Former Rangers boss and Sportsmail columnist Graeme Souness has already urged his old club to cut their losses in the final weeks of the window. Now in the final year of his contract, talks over a new deal have been shelved, with questions over the striker’s value after concerns over his fitness and attitude become public.

‘Well, everybody has their opinion and they’re entitled to it, of course,’ said van Bronckhorst of the advice from Souness.

‘Graeme is a great man and a great manager who has Rangers in his heart.

Right-back James Tavernier slammed Morelos for his red card against Hibernian on Saturday

Right-back James Tavernier slammed Morelos for his red card against Hibernian on Saturday

‘But, as I said before, we will deal with this internally and speak with Morelos and see what happens in the coming weeks.

‘But of course, it’s a signal that he’s not here. And a signal I had to make to Morelos, but also to my team.’

Morelos is just one of a number of absentees from the squad for Eindhoven as Rangers try to focus on earning their place in tomorrow evening’s group draw.

‘Kemar (Roofe) and John Souttar didn’t travel,’ said Van Bronckhorst. ‘Ben Davies didn’t travel either.

‘Kamara is back in the squad and is available. Ben Davies will hopefully join us next week in training.’ 


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les Etats-Unis et l’Allemagne promettent de nouvelles aides à l’Ukraine


La guerre en Ukraine pèse sur le système humanitaire dans le monde entier, alerte la Croix-Rouge

Le conflit en Ukraine pèse sur le système humanitaire à l’échelle planétaire et pourrait avoir des effets durables sur la capacité des organisations à faire face aux urgences…


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Singapore Airlines Resumes Flights To China



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With each passing month, Singapore Airlines and its subsidiary Scoot continue their steady ascent back to pre-pandemic levels, as newly revealed financial data shows.

One of the airline’s services to China, which had been halted since the beginning of the year, has also been reinstated.

There was a total of 2.08 million passengers on flights operated by the Singapore Airlines Group in July, an increase of 7.6% from June.

They were the most passengers in a single month before the outbreak. The last time the airlines saw more than two million passengers was in 2019.

The increase in passengers is a joint effort by Singapore Airlines and Scoot. From June’s 531,000 to July’s 612,900, Scoot saw a 15 percent increase in its passenger number.

Also, compared to July last year, when the budget airline carried only 22,100 passengers (a load factor of 8%), this year’s total of 86,100 passengers represents a huge increase. Liberalizing regulations and opening borders throughout Asia are directly responsible for Scoot’s success.

The group’s flagship airline, Singapore Airlines, also reported strong statistics, including a month-over-month gain of 70,000 passengers and an average load factor of 87.7 percent.

Although the airline performed well overall, it encountered the most significant difficulty in the East Asia region, where the load factor was only 72.6%. This was much lower than the 85.2% average for the rest of the world.

As a whole, Singapore Airlines’ load factor was 87.4%, which was very near to the record load factor of 87.9% established in December 2019 before the pandemic hit.

Scoot and Singapore Airlines are gradually returning to pre-pandemic operational levels regarding their operational reach. Compared to Singapore Airlines’ 73 destinations served, Scoot’s 87 destinations were in operation by the end of July.

The Singapore Airlines flight from Changi Airport to Shenzhen Bao’an International Airport is one of the 73 destinations. After being inactive since January, the route’s reinstatement marks the airline’s significant return to the Chinese market.

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