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Joe Biden en campagne dénonce le « semi-fascisme » au sein du parti républicain


Le président américain Joe Biden prononce un discours lors d’un meeting dans un lycée de Rockville, Maryland, le 25 août 2022.

Fort de sondages en hausse à un peu plus de deux mois des élections de mi-mandat, Joe Biden a…


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Le personnage hors concours de chaque film de Pierce Brosnan et Daniel Craig (en plus de 007)



Le personnage hors concours dans chaque James Bond le film a tendance à être James Bond lui-même. Qu’il soit joué par Pierce Brosnan ou Daniel Craig, 007 est l’étoile brillante de toutes ses aventures. Mais l’espion gentilhomme en smoking glacé doit souvent partager la vedette avec des joueurs de soutien, de…


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A quoi servent les touches « F » du clavier ? Des fonctions méconnues mais très utiles



Vous les avez tous les jours sous les yeux et pourtant vous ne les utilisez quasiment jamais. Et c’est bien dommage : ces touches vous offrent un gain de temps considérable et vous simplifient le travail à bien des égards.Voici donc la liste des fonctions cachées des 12 touches « F » sur le clavier de l’ordinateur.

Ecrire sur un clavier d’ordinateur

Ecrire sur un clavier d’ordinateur – Source : spm

Voici la fonctionnalité  des touches « F » sur notre clavier

  • La touche #F1

Elle ouvre la fenêtre d’aide de l’application que vous utilisez et de tous les programmes.

  • La touche #F2

Elle permet de renommer un fichier ou un dossier que vous venez de sélectionner.

  • La touche #F3

Elle ouvre la boîte de recherche du programme actif que vous êtes en train d’utiliser.

  • La touche #F4

Combiné avec la touche « ALT », elle ferme la fenêtre active (Alt +F4).

  • La touche #F5

Elle est très utile lors de la navigation, car elle permet de rafraîchir la page active. Elle actualise donc la page web que vous visionnez.

  • La touche #F6

Elle permet de déplacer le curseur sur la barre de navigation, vous permettant d’avoir accès aux différents menus d’un programme.

  • La touche #F7

Elle est particulièrement utile pour un accès rapide à la vérification orthographique et grammaticale dans des programmes comme Microsoft Word.

  • La touche #F8

Au moment où vous allumez votre ordinateur, elle est utile pour entrer dans le menu de démarrage de Windows.

  • La touche #F9

Elle met à jour un document sélectionné dans Word. En prime, elle permet d’envoyer et de recevoir des e-mails dans Outlook.

  • La touche #F10

Elle active la barre de navigation d’un programme ou d’une application ouverte. Maj + F10 équivaut à un clic droit.

  • La touche #F11

Elle active et désactive l’affichage en mode plein écran dans les navigateurs.

  • La touche #F12

Elle ouvre le document HTML dans une fenêtre séparée. Si vous ne connaissez pas le code source, il est préférable de le fermer pour éviter les erreurs. Elle permet également d’enregistrer un document Word.

Ecran d’ordinateur

Ecran d’ordinateur – Source : spm

Des raccourcis simples à connaître pour maîtriser parfaitement votre clavier d’ordinateur

Vous souhaitez gagner du temps sans trop tapoter sur le clavier? Vous allez adorer utiliser ces raccourcis.

Voici 13 raccourcis, très simples à connaître, pour travailler de manière plus efficace et optimale !

  1. Sélectionner tous les éléments d’un dossier ou d’un fichier : Ctrl+A
  2. Copier : Ctrl+C
  3. Couper : Ctrl+x
  4. Coller : Ctrl+v
  5. Ouvrir un document existant : Ctrl+o
  6. Masquer ou afficher la barre d’outils de Windows… : Ctrl+F1

Pour effectuer des sauts au milieu des textes :

  1.     Pour sélectionner tout le texte dans le document. 

Déplacez le curseur au début du texte : Crtl+A

  1. Déplacez le curseur à la fin du texte : ctrl+fin

Pour corriger les erreurs :

  1. Pour que Word affiche l’erreur d’orthographe ou de grammaire : Alt+F7
  2. Annuler ou revenir à la dernière action : ctrl+z
  3. Supprimer le mot qui vient après le curseur : ctrl+supprimer

Pour améliorer votre expérience de navigation sur Internet :

  1. Ouvrir un nouvel onglet : ctrl+t
  2. Aller à la barre d’adresse : ctrl+l


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Tour Operators Fear Germany’s Expanded Value Added Tax Threatens Their Recovery



Skift Take

Tour operators are puzzled by Germany’s move to expand the value added tax because they believe it not only threatens its tourism recovery, but because they believe German authorities didn’t think through the decision.

Despite largely making progress in their recovery from the pandemic, tour operators still face challenges in hitting pre-Covid metrics. And executives believe they’ve been dealt another big obstacle.

Germany’s decision to apply a value added tax on January 1 on trips sold by non-European Union companies to the country could impede tour operators’ ongoing rebound, industry executives believe. In addition to making trips to the popular destination more expensive, tour operators are concerned other nations would follow suit, complicating those companies’ efforts to attract customers.

“The travel industry is still in recovery, and while it has improved immensely since the beginning of the pandemic, it is still not where it was pre-pandemic economically or logistically,” said Ulla Hefel Böhler, the chief operating for TTC Tour Brands. She added the timing of Germany’s move was surprising although the country had planned to implement the value-added tax in 2021.

“To create another hurdle for selling travel when we’re still trying to encourage travelers to get back out there doesn’t seem right at this time,” Hefel Böhler said.

Non-European Union travel companies selling trips to Germany currently don’t pay value-added tax, or VAT, under the Tour Operators Margin Scheme.

The new law would impact all aspects of any package sold in Germany, forcing tour operators to pay taxes twice — once in the country where they’re based in selling trips to Germany and again on travel conducted in the country, said Tom Jenkins, CEO of the European Tour Operators Association. He added that while taxes levied on services could range from 9 to 25 percent, most tours will see around a 9 percent sales tax increase related to hotels.

While Böhler is worried about the price of Germany trips going up as well as the impact on bookings made prior to December 31, Jeremy Palmer, the chief operating officer for Wilton, Connecticut-based tour operator Tauck, is concerned that his company won’t have time to factor the costs of the new tax into its 2023 prices. He added that Tauck will be forced to fully absorb the added expensive of the VAT for an entire year.

“What’s more, there will be a significant administrative burden on tour operators,” Palmer said. “And because the specific processes haven’t even been announced yet, we’re not able to do anything now to put systems in place or otherwise prepare.” 

So how much will the VAT impact companies like Tauck? Jennifer Tombaugh, the company’s president, acknowledges she’s uncertain about the cost of the new tax, which she considers a rushed decision.

“There’s been virtually no information shared with those that it affects,” she said. “So we could literally find ourselves days, weeks away from the time of implementation without knowing what the cost is, how the process will work, what the exact timing will be, (and) what it will apply to.”

But Tombaugh admitted the impact of the new tax would be significant. While Tauck won’t pass the tax onto consumers in 2023, she said it will do so the following year.

Tombaugh added the cost of visiting Germany for Americans — and citizens of many other countries — will go up significantly. She declined to disclose how many customers Tauck’s Germany offerings attract annually, but did state the country was its most popular European destination on its combined land and river programs.

“That is going to make Germany less competitive in the eyes of Americans,” she said.

So why is Germany implementing the value-added tax?

Jenkins said Brexit drove the decision.

“They were also very worried that if the UK people weren’t paying this tax [UK companies} would be more competitive than German players,” Jenkins said.

Jenkins said the policy wasn’t throughly thought-through.

“What they perhaps had underestimated was the extent it will impact tour operators throughout the world. It’s going to hit everyone from Korea to Canada.”

Will other European nations adopt a similar tax? While Jenkins admits that his organization has no evidence about countries following in Germany’s footsteps other than Croatia, he described Germany’s move as a dangerous precedent.

Tombaugh agrees.

“The spillover effect that if other countries decide, ‘Hey, let’s do what Germany has done before the (European Commission) rules on this’ creates great confusion in the marketplace,” she said. “And I think it hurts overall economic recovery and damages a leading export, which is tourism, to Germany and possibly Europe.”


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GRNO : une Norvégienne attaquée par deux individus sous un pont


Une Norvégienne, âgée de 46 ans, est descendue du bus à Grande-Rivière-Nord-Ouest pour rentrer chez elle à Pointe-aux-Sables. Elle est passée sous un pont afin de prendre un raccourci. Deux hommes l’ont aperçue et l’ont attaquée en prenant de force son sac.

– Publicité –

Son passeport norvégien, un permis de conduire émis par la Traffic Branch des Casernes centrales, une…


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Le Mauricien

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Mauritius Vlog | City tour | Horse riding 🇲🇺


Hello beautiful people, I’m back to posting weekly video’s . For today’s video its a Mauritius Family Vacation. Hope you do enjoy …


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LIV Golf rebel Lee Westwood ‘laughs’ at the PGA Tour’s recent changes, takes swipe at ‘hypocrites’



Lee Westwood has found the recent changes the PGA Tour has announced in the wake of the launch of LIV Golf to be comical.

PGA Tour commissioner Jay Monahan revealed on Wednesday a number of immediate changes, including a minimum salary of $500,000 for all players, a new average purse of $20million to keep pace with LIV, and immediate lifetime membership for golfers when they reach 20 wins – rather than the initial 15 years needed.

The Tour chief is believed to have given the green light to the changes as the battle against the Saudi-backed breakaway series, LIV, continues. 

Former Ryder Cup hero Westwood was one of the first to defect to the rebel tour, teeing it up at the inaugural event in St Albans, London and captaining his team, the Majesticks, at the second and third events of the series. 

The former World No. 1 has now slammed the PGA Tour’s changes as he branded his former tour a copycat of his new one and slammed his former peers ‘hypocrites’. 

‘I laugh at what the PGA Tour players have come up with,’ Westwood told Golf Digest in an interview published Thursday. 

Lee Westwood has found the recent changes the PGA Tour has announced to be comical

Lee Westwood has found the recent changes the PGA Tour has announced to be comical

PGA Tour commissioner Jay Monahan revealed Wednesday a number of immediate changes

PGA Tour commissioner Jay Monahan revealed Wednesday a number of immediate changes 

‘It’s just a copy of what LIV is doing. There are a lot of hypocrites out there. They all say LIV is not competitive. They all point at the no-cut aspect of LIV and the short fields.’


Introduction of four elevated events (making the season total 12)

Top Players commit to a 20 event PGA Tour schedule per year

Expansion of the Player Impact Program

Launch of Earnings Assurance Program

Launch of Travel Stipend Program for non-exempt members

Change to Sentry Tournament of Champions qualifying criteria

Lifetime Membership awarded after 20 wins (removing membership length criteria)

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On Wednesday, Monahan also declared that ‘top players’ have committed to compete in at least 20 PGA Tour events per year, with 12 of the tournaments now classed as ‘elevated events’.

The elevated events, which will be announced in due course, will join the FedEx St Jude Championship, BMW Championship, Tour Championship/FedEx Cup, The Genesis Invitational, Arnold Palmer Invitational, The Memorial Tournament, WGC-Dell Technologies Match Play Championship and the Sentry Tournament of Champions.

LIV Golf has modeled itself around being a 52-hole, no-cut tournament, rather than the traditional 72 on the Tour and a combinations of individual and team competition. 

Westwood claimed the Tour’s new 20 events were strikingly similar to the LIV model as he claimed he hoped the PGA Tour ‘will be held accountable’.  

‘Now, funnily enough, they are proposing 20 events that look a lot like LIV,’ Westwood added.

‘Hopefully, at some point they will all choke on their words. And hopefully, they will be held to account as we were in the early days.’ 

The changes implemented by Monahan come in the wake of a crunch players-only meeting held last week ahead of the BMW Championship in Wilmington, Delaware. 

23 of the PGA Tour’s biggest stars, including Tiger Woods, Rory McIlroy and World No. 1 Scottie Scheffler gathered to discuss plans to fightback against the LIV Golf threat, which included proposals for Woods and McIlroy’s TGL venture. 

During a players-only meeting last week, Tiger Woods (left) and Rory McIlroy (right) are said to have pitched TGL, a 'tech-infused' stadium series, involving two-hour three-vs-three events

During a players-only meeting last week, Tiger Woods (left) and Rory McIlroy (right) are said to have pitched TGL, a ‘tech-infused’ stadium series, involving two-hour three-vs-three events

TGL's live-audience events will also provide a 'high-energy, greenside fan experience'

TGL’s live-audience events will also provide a ‘high-energy, greenside fan experience’

World No. 1 Scottie Scheffler attended the meeting

US Open winner Matt Fitzpatrick was also reportedly among the 23 stars

World No. 1 Scottie Scheffler (L) and US Open winner Matt Fitzpatrick (R) attended the meeting

All players were believed to have left the meeting in unanimous support of the proposals with suggestions passed on to Monahan, who has almost immediately implemented them. 

23 PGA Tour Loyalists

Tiger Woods

Rory McIlroy

Scottie Scheffler

Patrick Cantlay

Xander Schauffele

Justin Thomas

Jon Rahm

Collin Morikawa

Will Zalatoris

Viktor Hovland

Matt Fitzpatrick

Sam Burns

Jordan Spieth 

Tony Finau

Billy Horschel

Cameron Young

Joaquin Niemann

Max Homa

Shane Lowry

Tyrrell Hatton

Kevin Kisner

Rickie Fowler

Adam Scott


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However, Westwood warned that the ‘strategic alliance’ between the players and the organization will not last as the Tour are ‘bullies’.  

‘I’m not convinced by the strategic alliance because I’ve seen how the PGA Tour has behaved over the years,’ Westwood said. 

‘There’s not much “give.” They have always been bullies and now they are getting their comeuppance. 

‘All the PGA Tour has done since Tiger [Woods] came on tour is up the prize purses. In turn, that has taken all the best players from Europe away from the European Tour. They’ve had to play in the States, taking all their world ranking points with them. 

‘That was their strategy: “Put up the money. Get all the players. Hog all the world ranking points.” Which becomes self-perpetuating. What we have seen over the last few months is just LIV doing what the PGA Tour has done for the last 25 years.’ 

Westwood is just one of many big names to have jumped ship to LIV Golf over the past few months, with the breakaway series luring the likes of former World No. 1 Dustin Johnson, Bryson DeChambeau and Brooks Koepka away with eight or nine figure offers. 

It remains to be seen if Monahan’s retaliation will prevent anymore profile stars defecting to the rival tour amid rumors World No. 2 and British Open champion Cameron Smith could be the next to defect. 

Smith is one of seven players, including 2021 Masters Champion Hideki Matsuyama,  rumored to join the exodus from the PGA Tour after the Tour Championship, which began on Thursday. 

British Open champion Cameron Smith has reportedly already agreed a huge deal to join LIV

2021 Masters winner Hideki Matsuyama is considered to be the real big fish for LIV

Cameron Smith (left) and Hideki Matsuyma (right) are rumored to be the next to join LIV Gplf

However, Monahan shut down any possibility of LIV Golf rebels returning to the circuit if they are enticed by the huge increase to the prize pot he announced Wednesday.

Asked if LIV Golf players who were impressed by the changes and wanted to return would have their suspensions lifted, Monahan said: ‘No.

‘They’ve joined the LIV Golf Series and they’ve made that commitment. For most of them, they’ve made multi-year commitments. 

‘As I’ve been clear throughout, every player has a choice, and I respect their choice, but they’ve made it. We’ve made ours. We’re going to continue to focus on the things that we control and get stronger and stronger.’

‘As it relates to any of the scenarios for LIV players and coming back, I’ll remind you that we’re in a lawsuit,’ he added. ‘They’ve sued us. I think talking about any hypotheticals at this point doesn’t make a lot of sense.’ 


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Ces 3 signes du zodiaque sont de véritables génies : leur QI est supérieurs aux autres



Chaque signe du zodiaque a des traits de caractère saillants qui le caractérisent et le distinguent des autres signes. Si certains sont connus pour leur humour ou leur détermination, d’autres signes astrologiques sont plutôt caractérisés par leur intelligence.

Quels sont les 3 signes du zodiaque considérés comme de vrais génies ?

Comme relayé par le journal CNEWS, pour connaître quels sont les signes les plus intelligents du zodiaque, des chercheurs britanniques se sont basés sur les signes astrologiques de plus de 900 lauréats du prix Nobel, depuis sa création en 1901, en prenant en considération tous les domaines. Trois signes du zodiaque figurent en tête du classement.

  • Gémeaux


Gémeaux – Source : spm

Le Gémeaux est gouverné par Mercure, planète de l’intelligence et de la communication. Ce signe d’Air est un signe cérébral, doté d’une curiosité intellectuelle très distinguée. En effet, le natif de ce signe est assoiffé de nouvelles connaissances. Son champ d’intérêts est large, et il cherche à comprendre tout ce qui l’entoure. Son esprit est toujours en éveil, et ses interrogations ne tarissent jamais. Le Gémeaux est également un signe doté d’une grande intelligence sociale. Grâce à son ouverture d’esprit, il arrive à mettre tout le monde à l’aise, sans juger les autres, bien qu’ils soient différents de lui. Ce signe d’Air est également un grand orateur, qui sait employer les mots qu’il faut, quand il le faut, afin de réussir ses négociations.

  • Vierge

Le signe de la Vierge

Vierge – Source : spm

Le natif de ce signe est doté d’un esprit très analytique. Méticuleux et réfléchi, il prend le temps de réfléchir au moindre détail avant d’agir. Rien ne passe inaperçu chez ce signe perspicace de nature. Ce signe de Terre a d’ailleurs le sens du détail très aiguisé. C’est la raison pour laquelle la Vierge semble exigeante envers elle-même, mais aussi envers les autres. Elle cherche, en effet, la perfection dans tout ce qu’elle entreprend, et c’est ce qui lui permet de se démarquer dans son domaine. Ce signe gouverné par la planète des affaires et de l’intelligence Mercure, aime également mettre son esprit à l’épreuve. Plus un problème est difficile à démêler, plus elle se sent impliquée. D’ailleurs la Vierge est dotée d’une volonté très solide. Rien ne peut l’arrêter dans son élan, lorsqu’elle se fixe des objectifs. Aussi, le natif de ce signe est souvent qualifié d’intellectuel, et pour cause, il accorde une grande importance à son intellect, qu’il alimente régulièrement en s’intéressant à différents domaines.

  • Balance

Le signe de la Balance

Balance – Source : spm

La Balance est un signe intellectuel et cultivé qui s’intéresse même aux domaines qui ne font pas partie de son champ d’expertise. La Balance est également dotée d’une forte capacité de raisonnement. Elle sait démêler les situations compliquées et compte sur son intuition pour trouver une issue favorable aux différents problèmes. D’ailleurs, ce signe sait faire preuve de diplomatie quand il le faut, afin de résoudre les différends, et trouver des compromis qui arrangent tout le monde. La Balance sait également comment user de son intelligence pour se montrer persuasive et arriver à ses fins. De nature sociable, ce signe d’Air peut sympathiser avec tout le monde, et n’éprouve aucun mal à trouver un sujet de discussion pour briser la glace.


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