Over half of Brits embarrassed about their nationality on holiday



New research has revealed the extent to which we are becoming increasingly self- conscious about our Britishness, with 55% of those surveyed, saying they will go to great lengths not to disclose their nationality to fellow holiday makers.

According to the data, many will also go the extra mile to AVOID making friends with other Brits, with 72% saying they recoil at the sound of another British accent when abroad. In fact, as many as 12% of those polled by Exclusiveprivatevillas.com, have refused to take a lift with other hotel guests, to prevent the possibility of small talk.

Meanwhile, over one in ten (11%) have avoided going to breakfast, so as to not have to speak with anyone, while 8% have even pretended not to speak English, to avoid the prospect of having to make British holiday friends.

As many as 7% have run away from a fellow British holidaymaker and one in 20 have gone to greater lengths by actually hiding, so they wouldn’t get caught in conversation. But the desire to avoid making holiday friends can take its toll on our relationships, with 22% of Brits admitting to getting annoyed with their partner’s approach to making holiday friends. 12% think their other half is far too chatty, and 10% say they have often had to suffer through dinner with annoying people as a result.

The reasons we get annoyed by the presence of other Brits on holiday include their excessive drinking (49%), ignorance of the host country’s culture (46%) and the constant wearing of football shirts (32%). Around 22% said they hated the way when you meet someone from the same city, they assume you’ll be pals, and one in five said they didn’t like the way Brits grab sun loungers at the pool.

18% hate to see sunburnt fellow Brits as it’s so uncouth. So, it is no surprise that over two thirds (69%) of British holiday makers would prefer to stay in a private villa than a hotel.

“Growing polarisation between those who boisterously bag a sun lounger… and those craving escape from their home country”

Keith Potts, chairman of Exclusiveprivatevillas.com who commissioned the poll: “Stereotypes would have us believe that we Brits love nothing more than getting burned to a crisp, hanging out with other Brits abroad.

“But, as this research shows, there’s a real and growing polarisation between those who boisterously bag a sun lounger next to the first English voice they hear and those craving escape from their home country.

“We’ve seen a huge rise in enquiries, especially from large families, from people who are looking for tranquility, peace and room to breathe, away from other Brits in a luxury villa.”

However, on the other side of the coin, a gregarious 58% of Brits have never tried to actively avoid holiday conversations. The study found that people aged 16 to 29 were keener on hearing English voices (36%) than over 60s (25%).

Regionally, people from Leicester are the most likely to seek out other Brits, with 70% of them saying they would actively try to make friends with others from the UK, compared to only 53% of people from Cambridge.

What most embarrasses us about fellow Brits on holiday

Excessive drinking – 49%
Being ignorant of the hosts culture – 46%
Constantly wearing football shirts – 32%
Talking loudly all the time – 31%
Thinking that as you’re from the same city, you should become friends – 22%
Talking about Brexit – 21%
Getting to the pool early to bag a lounger – 21%
Getting sunburnt – 18%
Strong regional accents – 14%
Eating dinner early – 8%


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