The Kapoor family has been taking part in Ganpati celebrations on a daily basis. Late Rishi Kapoor’s daughter Riddhima Kapoor Sahni has now shared a new picture from yet another get-together with her extended family. This time, she and mother Neetu Kapoor took part in the festivities with Armaan Jain and family.
Sharing a picture from the gathering on her Instagram, Riddhima simply wrote, “Family,” with a heart emoji. It shows Riddhima, her daughter Samara, Neetu sitting on the couch. Rishi’s sister Rima Jain is seated on another couch besides them with husband Manoj Jain and younger son Aadar Jain. Armaan Jain, his wife Anissa and Shweta Bachchan’s son Agastya Nanda can be seen seated on the floor as they all come together for an epic family picture.
On Saturday, Karisma Kapoor had shared with her fans a glimpse of a family reunion as she offered prayers during ‘Ganpati Darshan.’ The actor shared three pictures — the first one captured her family in a single frame. It had Karisma in a red salwar suit, her daughter Samiera in a yellow kurta-palazzo, her son Kiaan Raj Kapoor in a red kurta pyjama seated alongside Randhir Kapoor and Babita. Kareena Kapoor was standing behind them with son Taimur , aunt Rima Jain, uncle Manoj Jain, Armaan, Anissa and Aadar Jain.
There were also pictures of the three kids: Samiera, Kiaan and Taimur sitting on their knees as they prayed to Lord Ganesha. Along with the pictures, the Dil To Pagal Hai star noted, “Ganapati Darshan (with folded hands emoji) #familytime.”
Earlier, the Kapoors used to celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi at the RK Studios. However, the tradition came to an end after the building was sold. Randhir had told Times of India in an interview, “That was the last Ganesh Chaturthi celebration for us. RK Studios hi nahi raha… to kahan karenge? (When there is no RK Studios, where will we organise it?) Papa (Raj Kapoor) started the tradition 70 years ago with a lot of love for the Trunk God, but now, we don’t have a place where we can hold the celebrations the way we did at RK Studios. We all love Bappa and have immense faith in him, but I guess, we can’t continue with the tradition anymore.”
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