Malta relaxes entry requirements



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Malta’s deputy prime minister and minister for health Chris Fearne, announced that the Health Authorities will be proceeding with their COVID-19 exit roadmap as planned. Malta will be further relaxing COVID-19 measures, including easing of restrictions relating to incoming travel.

Malta’s deputy prime minister also announced that as planned, as from now on, a vaccine certificate is no longer needed for persons to attend standing outdoor events, or seated indoor events.

“The decision to ease further COVID-19 restrictions related to travel continues to be a turning point in the government’s efforts to drive the Maltese Islands back to normality. We are committed that the coming months will generate excellent results in terms of tourism inflows as well as ascertain our ultimate goal of making Malta a hub of tourism excellence for the years to come,” outlined Clayton Bartolo, minister for Tourism.

The post Malta relaxes entry requirements appeared first on Travel Daily.


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