Late Judge Abdullah Goolam Ahmed Malleck



The news of the demise of Late Judge A.Malleck came as a sad and surprising news. He was fit and was attending congregation prayers in Quatre-Bornes Mosque till very recently. Indeed, he had a very short period of illness and he departed on 12 August 2019. The Funeral took place on the same day in presence of a huge crowd of wellwishers, friends and relatives. After the prayer in Masjid Malartic he was laid to rest in permanent abode in Riche Terre Cemetery. May God grant him paradise.

Indeed I have known him since 1971 when I started practising as a Barrister. I had to appear before him as Counsel at different levels of Jurisdictions from District Court, Intermediate Court, and Supreme Court till he retired in 1990. Those legal practitioners who had the luck to know him at the Judiciary will certainly remember him as a good judge who was an unassuming person and a respected personality who displayed great sense of fairness and legendary patience in case management and conduct in Court.

I have been a member of the Commission of Muslim Jurists and I have known him closely. He always showed great affability and humility with decorum and dignity. He also served as President of the Medical Disciplinary Tribunal and was responsible for probing into allegations about private and public doctors in Mauritius. It was set up in accordance with Medical Council Act (1999).

He had initially accepted to preside the Commission of Enquiry set up in 2004 to look into the Sale by Levy. When he realized that his duties might involve the perception of conflict of interest and embarrassment in view of his position held as Master and Registrar of the Supreme Court, he declined. Such was his high ethical standard.

As a God-fearing and devoted believer he always relied upon Quaranic proclamation. “God command you render back your trust to those to whom they are due and when you judge between man and man that you judge with justice.” (Sura Nisa 4.58)

He was very much appreciated by all for his courtesy, kindness and willingness to assist all those who needed his help.

May his soul rest in peace and may he be rewarded for all his good deeds and justice rendered.

Rashad Daureeawoo SC

President of the Middle Temple Association (Mtius)

*NdlR: Une erreur de fichiers a provoqué une inversion de photos dans notre édition papier de ce matin. La photo de l’ex juge Abdul Razack Hajee Abdoula a été malencontreusement utilisée pour le texte relatif au juge  Abdullah Goolam Ahmed Malleck. Nos excuses aux familles et proches concernés.


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