Amid the whole controversy around the death of Sushant Singh Rajput, actor Kushal Tandon’s name was recently dragged in it with reports claiming that he dated Ankita Lokhande, the last actor’s ex girlfriend. This left Tandon fuming and he also made his displeasure known on social media by calling out such reports.
“I had to blast them for writing about Sushant and the girl (Ankita) and me. They made a triangle out of it. All I want to know is why are you making up that sh*t? Aise hi duniya mein itna kuchh ho raha hai ab ye angle kyu?” he asks in anger.
This is a shame journalism, like really , I was a friend of both ,Sushanth was a brother and @anky1912 a friend , at this time who so ever z team is trying to get my name in this blame game … plz keep me out of this ……. 😡😡😡😡😡shocking how we live in a world of news 🙏 pic.twitter.com/B65xy737KR
— KUSHAL TANDON (@KushalT2803) August 27, 2020
Further talking about his equation with Rajput, the actor says, “I am from a boarding school and I have a bro code. I will not date my friend’s girlfriend. Sushant was a friend and I would not do that. I don’t belong to that category.”
The actor also slammed the unsavoury nature of such allegations and feels sad that all this is happening after someone’s demise.
“The poor guy is no more and the girl is getting married to someone else and she is in love. Why are you getting dirty? The focus of news should be something else about the case. Why this? Why are you getting into these thing I don’t want to be a part of this mockery,” asserts the actor, who stars in the latest web series Bebaakee.
Tandon further feels that rather than jumping to any conclusion, people should wait the authorities to do a thorough investigation.
“There are a lot of people saying a lot of things. I don’t want to add to that. I would like to wait and see. All I want to say is let my friend, let his soul rest in peace. Let the CBI do their job. Everybody has started a vlog to talk about the matter, making their own stories. We should wait and have faith in our judiciary system,” he concludes.
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