Kaushik Jadunundun a démissionné de l’Icta, indique le PM à une question de Bhagwan



Tushyadev Jadunundun, aussi connu comme Kaushik Jadunundun, a démissionné de son poste de membre du conseil d’administration de l’Information and Communication Technologies Authority (Icta) le 20 avril 2020. Information fournie par le Premier ministre, Pravind Jugnauth, à l’Assemblée nationale, ce mardi 5 mai. 

Il répondait à une question du député du Mouvement militant mauricien, Rajesh Bhagwan, lors de la Prime Minister’s Question Time (PMQT).

Le samedi 18 avril, l’activiste Jameel Peerally avait porté plainte contre Kaushik Jadunundun. Le même jour, dans la soirée, Kaushik Jadunundun avait été arrêté sous l’article 46 (h) de la « Breach of ICTA Act ». Il lui était reproché d’avoir « humilié » Jameel Peerally par des «propos diffamatoires» sur la Toile.

Le lendemain, Kaushik Jadunundun a été libéré sous caution. 

Cependant, le lundi 20 avril, une seconde plainte a été déposée contre Kaushik Jadunundun, cette fois venant du député du Parti Travailliste, Ehsan Juman. Ce dernier a affirmé être en possession d’une vidéo où, selon lui, Kaushik Jadunundun l’accusait «d’incitation à la haine raciale». Vidéo qui était aussi au cœur de la première plainte déposée par Jameel Peerally.

Ci-dessous la question du député Rajesh Bhagwan, suivie de la réponse du Premier ministre :

The Honourable First Member for Beau Bassin and Petite Rivière (Mr Bhagwan)

    To ask the Honourable Prime Minister, Minister of Defence, Home Affairs and External Communications, Minister for Rodrigues, Outer Islands and Territorial Integrity –

    Whether, in regard to the Board of the Information and Communication Technologies Authority, he will, for the benefit of the House, obtain therefrom, information as to the (a) composition thereof, indicating in respect of the Chairperson and Members thereof, the (i) date of appointment (ii) qualifications held and (iii) terms and conditions of appointment and (b) number of meetings held by the Board as presently constituted, indicating the date of the last meeting and names of the members who attended same?


Mr Speaker, Sir,

As regards Part (a) of the Question, I wish to inform the House that the present composition of the Board of the Information and Communication Technologies Authority is as follows-  

(i)    Mr Dick NG SUI WA, Chairperson;

(ii)    Mr Om Kumar DABIDIN, Secretary for Home Affairs, Representative of the Prime Minister’s Office; 

(iii)    Mr Veersingh BOODHNA, Deputy Permanent Secretary, Representative of the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Development; 

(iv)    Ms Sandrine VALERE, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Information Technology, Communication and Innovation; 

(v)    Mr Luchmyparsad AUJAYEB, Assistant Solicitor-General, Representative of the Attorney-General’s Office;

(vi)    Mr Oomaduth JADOO; and 

(vii)    Mr Mahendranath SUMPUTH.

The Chairperson and Members were appointed on 11 February 2020 except for Ms Sandrine VALERE, Permanent Secretary, who, on 16 March 2020, replaced Mr Chettandeo BHUGUN who was designated representative of the Ministry of Information Technology, Communication and Innovation on 11 February 2020.

Mr Tushyadev JADUNUNDUN was also appointed as Member of the Board on 11 February 2020 but he submitted his resignation on 20 April 2020. 

As regards Parts (a) (ii) and (iii) of the Question, I am tabling the information requested for. 

Mr Speaker, Sir, 

With regard to Part (b) of the Question, I am informed by the Information and Communication Technologies Authority that only one meeting of the Board has been held, and this was on 26 February 2020. It was attended by all the Members who formed part of the Board constituted on 11 February 2020, except the representative of the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Development.  

I am also informed that a second Board meeting scheduled for 26 March 2020 could not be held due to the COVID19 lockdown. 


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