In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Ever Merciful A dear prayer for the muslim pilgrims (hajjis)




Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam

O Allah, the call has been given,

And Your servants are coming to You,

To Your Glorious & Holy House,

To accomplish that very deed which represents

The Ultimate proof of their love and submission to You.

Submission to You in all humility is what You seek,

And Forgiveness and Your Love and Mercy

Is what we seek;

Rush to Your servants, O Allah

And accept their Hajj;

Inspire their hearts to remain true to the promise of

Reform throughout the rest of their lives,

And O Allah open my way to You,

So that the treasures of Your Kingdom may be

Always at my reach,

To distribute to Your sincere and devoted servants.

May they also accede to Your nearness,

And taste Your Love and

Give them the ability,

To communicate with You,

Their hearts connected with You,

And Yours with them,

And enlightened them, O Allah

To be truly submissive to You,

In all aspects of the word;

A Muslim am I, O Allah,

By Your Grace and Mercy;

Bless my Muslim brothers, sisters and children,

Who have forsaken everything to come to

Your Holy Ka’aba,

To accomplish the fifth pillar of Islam,

To accomplish such a worship,

Which shall Insha-Allah see to their

Glorious elevation in Your Sight and Paradise,

Be it in this world and the hereafter,


O Allah, accept this plea,

And bless us all in Your way,

Under Your righteous Guidance,

And cherished in Your everlasting love,

And protect us always from the accursed Satan,

And all forms of evils which exist within us,

And all around us. Ameen.

July 2019


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Le Mauricien

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