Five Unique Review Strategies to Grow Your Travel Business – Skift



We’re publishing a new Skift Trend Report in partnership with Trustpilot: Five Unique Review Strategies to Grow Your Travel Business, that investigates the evolving role that consumer review data can play in travel industry marketing strategies.

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Customer reviews play a crucial role in today’s travel buying experience. From the time travelers start planning a trip, to the moment they complete their booking, reviews help impact multiple stages of the purchase decision, allowing travel brands to gain visibility with potential buyers, establish their credibility, and help influence the ultimate purchase decision.

But even though reviews are an essential component of the travel buying experience, many companies are missing an opportunity to use them more strategically. To do this, they need to take a step back from managing individual reviews and instead focus on the bigger picture: the hidden patterns and unexpected insights currently locked away inside of their review data. The travel industry now has tools to access these review insights, unlocking a wealth of opportunities to supercharge companies of all sizes.

This new approach has significant benefits. First, it allows travel brands to spend more time amplifying the positive feedback they already receive from satisfied customers. This builds credibility with potential buyers and reinforces the fact that they are open and transparent with customers. In addition, this approach can help brands better prioritize which reviews are likely to have the biggest impact on their reputation and then share them to the right teams to quickly handle resolution. Last but not least, it creates opportunities to uncover a treasure trove of customer insights that can help improve the personalization of marketing campaigns, inform product development efforts, and even provide new metrics to help evaluate company success.

What review strategies are travel brands already using to gain these benefits? Which companies are ahead of the curve in deploying these strategies to boost their success? Finally, what review-focused technologies can they use to make these strategies possible? We’ll investigate these questions and more in “Five Unique Review Strategies to Grow Your Travel Business,” offering those in the industry new opportunities to boost customer satisfaction, streamline operations, and increase profitability in the process.

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This report provides:

  • An explanation of the changing role that consumer review content plays in travel industry marketing strategies
  • Examples of how companies in the travel industry can use consumer review content to promote and improve their business
  • Suggestions of technology and software that industry marketers can use to analyze and manage review data

This content was created collaboratively by Trustpilot and Skift’s branded content studio, SkiftX.


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