Jewellery designer Farah Khan Ali criticised actor Kangana Ranaut’s video addressed to Maharashtra chief minister Uddhav Thackeray. Farah said that Kangana ‘did not have the decency’ to address Uddhav respectfully.
Farah took a jibe at Kangana’s comment that Uddhav’s pride will crumble. “Ironic that the one who talks of ‘Ghamand’ has maximum of it. Like she says ‘Time turns’ and it does for everyone she included. I rather speak the truth then lie and I don’t care if I get trolled either. Someone has to say it,” she wrote on Twitter.
According to Farah, Kangana was completely out of line in the way she addressed Uddhav and did not give him the respect he deserved as an elected leader. The jewellery designer wrote, “Moreover she did not have the decency to address the CM of Maharashtra. How dare she say ‘Tujhe’? He represents the people of Maharashtra and deserves the respect of office while addressing .Class would dictate ‘Aap’ not ‘Tujhe kya lagta hain!’”
In another tweet, Farah wrote, “I may have a hundred grievances against certain politicians leaders but I have never addressed anyone with disrespect personally and I never will because I was brought up to show decency to the uniform and elected representatives even if I don’t agree with their politics.”
Ironic that the one who talks of “Ghamand” has maximum of it. Like she says “Time turns” and it does for everyone she included.
I rather speak the truth then lie and I don’t care if I get trolled either. Someone has to say it.— Farah Khan (@FarahKhanAli) September 9, 2020
Moreover she did not have the decency to address the CM of Maharashtra. How dare she say “Tujhe”? He represents the people of Maharashtra and deserves the respect of office while addressing .Class would dictate “Aap” not “Tujhe kya lagta hain!”
— Farah Khan (@FarahKhanAli) September 9, 2020
I may have a hundred grievances against certain politicians leaders but I have never addressed anyone with disrespect personally and I never will because I was brought up to show decency to the uniform and elected representatives even if I don’t agree with their politics.
— Farah Khan (@FarahKhanAli) September 9, 2020
On Wednesday, Kangana sent out a message to Uddhav after her office was partially demolished by the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC). She has claimed that she is being targeted for speaking against the ruling Maharashtra government. However, the BMC said it served her the notice for alleged structural violations.
“Uddhav Thackeray, did you think that you got revenge from me by colluding with the film mafia and demolishing my house? My house has been demolished today but your pride will crumble tomorrow. Time will change,” Kangana said in Hindi, in the video.
“I think you have done me a huge favour. I knew what Kashmiri Pandits must have gone through, but today, I have experienced it. I vow that I will make a film, not just on Ayodhya, but also on Kashmir. I will rouse my fellow countrymen. It has happened to me, which has some meaning and significance. Uddhav Thackeray, it is a good thing that it was me who was subjected to this cruelty and terror. It definitely has some significance. Jai Hind, Jai Maharashtra!” she added.
Earlier this month, Kangana blocked Farah on Twitter. “The self proclaimed Queen of Bollywood just blocked me !!! I must have said something to p**s her off,” the jewellery designer had tweeted.
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