Events Planners Postpone to 4th Quarter, Go Virtual in the Meantime – Skift



The meetings and events industry took another hit this week as economic giants U.S., UK, and Canada joined other nations in enacting stricter restrictions on travel and recommending social distancing and limitations on the size of gatherings. Large, live gatherings in the near future are as impracticable as they are irresponsible.

The industry is looking past an increasingly risky summer at a possible recovery from the economic spiral in the fourth quarter of 2020, and event professionals must brace for impact as they head toward what, in the best case scenario, will be an extremely busy season.

Meanwhile, adaptable event planners searching for a temporary respite from the costs of cancellation are pivoting to virtual events and engagement — a sorely underutilized avenue that started to gain popularity during the rise of sustainability and, consequently, flight shaming.

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— Dylan Monorchio, Events Editor

For updates on the outbreak, see the Skift LiveBlog: Coronavirus and the Travel Industry

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Subscribe to the Skift Meetings Innovation Report

Events Editor Dylan Monorchio [] curates the Skift Meetings Innovation Report. Skift emails the newsletter every Wednesday.

Photo Credit: Amid the spread of coronavirus worldwide, live gatherings in the near future are as impracticable as they are irresponsible. Denisis Magilov / Adobe


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