Essence et diesel : les prix restent inchangés après la réunion du PPC ce vendredi 6 mars



Le prix de l’essence et celui du diesel restent inchangés, soit à Rs 44 et Rs 35 le litre respectivement. 

Ainsi en a décidé le Pretroleum Pricing Committee (PPC) qui s’est réuni ce vendredi 6 mars. 

«The Petroleum Pricing Committee (PPC) met on Friday 6 March 2020 and after verification of the computation of the retail prices of Mogas and Gas Oil, as provided for under Regulation 8 of the Consumer Protection (Control of Price of Petroleum Products) Regulations 2011 (as amended), approved that the retail prices be maintained at their present level as shown below as per Regulation 5(1) (a) and 5(1) (b): Mogas: Rs 44; Gas Oil: Rs 35», explique la State Trading Corporation dans un communiqué émis dans la soirée.

Ci-dessous un extrait du communiqué :

«The Committee took note of the evolution of world prices of Mogas and Gas Oil and the status of the Price Stabilisation Account (PSA) which has a positive balance of Rs118.4 million on 6 March 2020.

Mogas (L’essence): Based on the Reference Price of US$534.53 per M.Ton for Mogas, that is, the actual prices for December 2019 to February 2020 and the future prices for March to May 2020 and an exchange rate of Rs37.75/US$, the retail price of Mogas should have been increased by Rs1.10 per litre or by 2.50%. However, as provided under Regulation 5(1) (b), the retail price of Mogas has been maintained at its current level as the increase is less than 4 percent and by using funds from the PSA.
Gas Oil (Diesel): The Reference Price of US$65.53 per barrel, that is, the actual prices for December 2019 to February 2020 and the future prices for March to May 2020, and an exchange rate of Rs37.75/US$, results in a decrease in the retail price of Gas Oil by Rs1.30 per litre or by 3.71 %. However, the retail price of Gas Oil has been maintained at its current level as the decrease is below 4 percent as provided under Regulation 5(1) (a).»


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