Dr. Vinay Bajrangi: The astro master-key to all fate locks



Am I going to lose what I have earned? Is my reputation going to go sour; what is going to happen to my property? These worries often occupy the minds of people who have tasted a bit of success. Not addressing this problem in the right manner may result in even more anxiety with the passage of time. The solution lies in the hands of an astrologer competent enough to answer this correctly. An answer to just to calm the mind is not enough; often, a perfect plan and path is needed to negotiate the problem, if any.

Astrology is the decoding of upheavals

A business empire goes down; a brilliant career meets an abrupt end; a dynamic sportsman no longer required; a scholar doing a small-time job; the once-rich living in poverty; a prolific politician lost in oblivion; a superstar fades to the background. We are witness to many such personalities who have suffered at the hands of fate. What amazes me is that during their hey-days, no one spares a thought for fate, destiny, karma, dharma or astrology.

It is not that all of us have these yogas or combinations of upheavals in our chart, but it is also a fact that a mild or dormant form of this kind of yoga is present is all divisional charts. The activation of this yoga depends upon its strength, viz-a-viz the power of various other factors such as the strength of Lagna, strength of Upachaya Houses, Dasha, transits and the promise of fructification in the concerned divisional charts.

How the reading should be

Indian Vedic Jyotish is so technically elaborate that a master can quickly gauge and sense the potency of the above-dreaded yogas and guide the native accordingly. However, the problem is a bit different; astrologers usually concentrate on the questions tossed by the native and do not look for anything else. After all, what is a beautiful Dasha with generous money going to give when the native’s life ends before the commencement of it? That means the readings have to be in totality, after gauging major and minor pitfalls.

The problem

The main problem with astrologers is one or a combination of things mentioned here:

a) One is not capable enough to recognize these problem-causing Yogas.

b) One cannot read the time of fructification of these Yogas.

c) One is not able to gauge the potency of the Yoga.

From the above, we may infer that most astrologers in the current brigade are less competent and misinformed, and the probable cause behind this is lack of enough practical experience.

The double-edged sword

I see many messed-up clients walking into my office, knowing a bit about astrology. Many of them become conceptually blind as they recognize their harmful Yogas as the positive ones and are fearful of their favorable Yogas. The problem with them or with their astrology guide is that they sniff out the Yoga in the horoscopes but fail to understand their inter-relation with the Lagna of D-1 chart and Lagna of the D-60 chart. These ill-informed souls do not stop here; they strengthen their negative planets and weaken out the favorable planets because of the paradox they carry. With this attitude, the harmful ones become more lethal whereas the friendlier become weak.

Who deciphers chart matters?

The value of showing the chart to a master becomes a priority only when the downfall is beyond control, otherwise every layperson who knows the twelve signs is a rightful astrologer who can predict anything anytime.

My advice here is to abstain from the lure of getting a free reading; the so-called astrologer could ruin your life. The seriousness of the matter has to be understood before letting your horoscope fall in the hands of a novice.

Remedy, Rituals & Astrology

Spend thousands, and sometimes lakhs, on rituals or remedy but for a few hundred evade an accurate reading from a master; this common notion amuses me a lot. The scientifically-bent too fall prey to burdensome rituals without bothering about its results. The desperation to get results sometimes foxes the native to the extent that he mindlessly sticks to grueling rituals.

Here, the main purposes of astrology are defeated. The idea is to correct his Karma or actions after the horoscope reading but, instead, the native falls for rituals which are nothing but a pledge or resolution to correct them. This work of clemency seldom bears fruit as nothing is done to correct the karma.

Astrology tells us what is wrong with oneself; astrology also says what to adjust. How to fix is your call: you may seek for strength from the Almighty by performing rituals, but the karma should also change. It is not the ritual but the change of karma or approach that brings positivity. This karma correction is the essence of Indian Vedic astrology.

The Astro-Key

Astrology as an ancient science is authentically proved and bound to give results. Therefore, do not get deprived of an accurate reading in the land of seer, sages, and masters. Get a holistic opinion and follow the karma correction, which will wash the sins of previous births and make you prepared to face this and the coming birth.

The master’s abode is in Noida-66. Visit www.vinaybajrangi.com or call on 9278665588, 927855588 for more information.


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