Dr. Vinay Bajrangi explains how astrology can be taken to the next level of perfection



It is widely believed that astrology is a tool for reading the future, but this statement is only partially true. Astrology or “Jyotish” illuminates the path to the future, and this illuminated path allows one to foresee all difficulties they are likely to encounter, and thus, prepare in advance. The idea that “when everything is predestined and cannot be changed, then what is the purpose of knowing” is thus conceptually wrong, as the proper application of “Jyotish” enables one to alter the future through positive “karmas”.

Every religious scripture emphasizes the importance of positives Karmas and maintaining high moral values by sticking to the righteous path. However, the negative planets in one’s horoscope forbid the native from doing so, and as such, the native falters from the positive path and sinks deeper and deeper in the imbroglio.

“Karmas propel fate” is thus a more realistic belief; it is the main doctrine sermonized by the “Vedanganas” and ably pursued by Dr. Vinay Bajrangi, who is a “Karma Korrector”.

Each aspect of life is evaluated by a particular house in the horoscope and a substantial emphasis is given to the lord of that house, known as the “adhipati”. But, the “Karaka” or “doer” also has a share in evaluating the prospects of the house. Much has been said about this karaka, but the theory and its application are not as well understood as it should have been. For simplicity, let us rechristen the Karaka as a “Prabhandhak” or manager in charge of that particular house.

The light of the astrological torch or “Jyotish” will brighten the path to such an extent that nothing related to future will seem mysterious, provided that the role of “Prabandhak” is applied as the sages would have wanted.

I will try and explain how this elusive science of “Prabhandhak” demystifies life.

Karaka or “Prabhandhak” Role: The reading of divisional or finer charts have been challenging even for the best astrologers in the business. I have heard few top-notch astrologers talk about the art of reading the divisional chart, but to my dismay, no one has ventured near the basic idea and purpose of the divisional chart. How the Prabhandhak will dispense its duties is seen through the concerned divisional chart. A native who is not doing well in a particular sphere of life must have a blemished or incapable “Prabhandhak” in the concerned finer charts. The beauty not only lies in reading the capabilities of the “Prabhandhak”, also how the capabilities of this “Prabhandhak” could be increased by applying the right karma or just by implementing “Karma Korrection”.

The role of “Prabhandhak” in career: There has been constant research in astrological sciences since its advent, but barring a few scholarly notes, the rest are just repetitive. The explanation of the role of Karaka or “Prabhandhak” finds just a few line of mention in even the most detailed works on astrology. If studied in the relevant chart of karma and career, “Prabhandhak” gives a complete insight into following finer things:

•Type of career that suits the native

•The pitfalls that have to be seen

•What application will give which results

•The reason for not flourishing

•The karma Korrection


Now, most of us know that Jupiter, Saturn, Sun, and Mercury are the Karkas of the 10th house but very few know what to make of it. Look at the D-60 chart for instance, location of Jupiter in the 5th house is not going to be auspicious for the native and due to this his knowledge will always backfire. It is always recommended that he mustn’t hold a managerial post as it won’t be paying but shall, on the contrary, be negative for him. This analysis is just of one position of one planet in the D-60 chart. What if one is blessed enough to read all of “Prabhandhak’s” roles in the D-60. The maze of career for that native shall be solved and resolved forever.

The role of “Prabhandhak” in marriage: Marriages often enter rough waters when horoscopes are either not matched or just Gun Milan is done, without comprehensive matching which is called “Poorna Vedic Milan”.

The Vivah Karaka Mardan or VKH is an absolute solution for those couples whose marriage is either not working or is on the verge of breaking. Astrologically VKH is massaging of those Karakas or factors, which are responsible for smooth running of the marriage. It is seen that ill-placed karaka in the Lagna chart or Navamsha chart creates turbulence in marriage. Massaging Venus and Jupiter, the Karaka of marriage is the most important technique of VHS.

Past life reading also facilitates VKH, as it gives an insight into the gravity of bad karmas of previous lives. A prominent factor which is studied through VKH is pointing out those relatives, the overindulgence of whom also plays a spoilsport. VKH also reviews other marriage-disturbing factors such as suspicion, extramarital affairs, lifestyle difference, respect, love, bond, income.

By examining all these things and correlating it with the Dasha and Gochar an escape route to pacify the turbulent marriage is formulated, but not before letting one know the repentance to be done and the number of sufferings to be undergone.

The theory of VKH is an ancient Vedic technique but not widely used as research on it is not that deep. This is probably because in a male-dominated society the necessity to smoothen out the marriage strains was not needed till recently.

The true reader of a horoscope is one who understands the hidden meaning that our seers were referring to. Just a few minutes with me can give you an insight on one of your traits. You can also know how to overcome the weak points and how to rule the crest. The fear of losing or not performing shall then vanish.

Let’s meet at my headquarters in Noida, for a detailed chat. You can also contact me through Skype / Virtual conferencing, watch videos on my YouTube channel, or visit my website. Appointments can be made on +91 9278665588 or at +91 9278555588.

(This content was not created by the editorial team)


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