Actor Deepika Padukone was spotted at Mumbai airport on Saturday morning. She was reportedly on her way to Goa to shoot for an upcoming film.
According to a Times of India report, the Bajirao Mastani actor will be shooting for Shakun Batra’s next in Goa. The film also stars Siddhanth Chaturvedi and Ananya Pandey. Wearing a bright green shirt and pants combination, a pair of white sneakers, a contrasting pink handbag and with a mask on, Deepika cut a stylish picture. Siddhanth was also spotted at the airport by paparazzi.
Deepika Padukone at airport.
Varinder Chawla
Deepika Padukone getting off her car at Kalina airport.
Varinder Chawla
As per the report, the film was initially to shot in Sri Lanka, but owing to the pandemic, it will now be shot in Goa. In an earlier report in Mumbai Mirror, an unnamed source had informed: “The delay gave Shakun time to work on the script. Since shooting in Sri Lanka is not feasible, they changed the setting to Goa which has a similar landscape of beaches and vintage churches.”
Answering a question to Hindustan Times on the tone of the film, Deepika had called the film domestic noir: “To be honest, you can’t call Shakun’s film ‘light’ either… Although the overall tonality of the film is slightly lighter than my last film, in terms of inner, emotional turmoil my character goes through, it’s quite challenging. The overall genre of the film is something we haven’t seen much in Indian cinema, it’s called domestic noir. I don’t think that’s a genre we are very familiar with, but at the same time the audience is completely ready for it, as we have been exposed to that genre in different ways, whether through Hollywood films or OTT platforms. What I enjoy and look forward to, as far as this film is concerned, Shakun has this strong point with people and relationships. As an audience/ actor I have enjoyed watching and performing these sort of films, whether Piku (2015), Tamasha (2015), Love Aaj Kal, films that deal with intricate human relationships.”
The film comes four years after Shakun’s hit debut film, Kapoor & Sons.
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