Actors Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone are back in Mumbai after visiting her parents in Bengaluru. They were spotted at the Mumbai airport on Monday afternoon.
Deepika and Ranveer were seen wearing matching outfits. Both were wearing black T-shirts and blue jeans. They were also wearing black masks to protect themselves. Ranveer could even be spotted with his new ponytail look.
The couple walked out of the airport hand-in-hand, also towing their luggage. They did not interact much with the media but Ranveer did give the cameramen a thumbs up before sitting in his car.
Ranveer and Deepika spent the entire lockdown period together at their Mumbai home. While Ranveer spent the time bulking up in the gym, Deepika tried some cooking and self care and made a few social media updates about the same.
Recently, Ranveer dug out an adorable childhood picture of himself and shared it with his fans on Instagram. In the picture, Ranveer was seen wearing a white sweatshirt and high-waisted jeans, while his hair looked well kept. He kept the caption simple yet descriptive of his life mantra as he wrote, “Style mein rehne ka (Gotta stay in style).”
Ranveer and Deepika were all set to appear together in Kabir Khan’s 83. However, the film, which was to release in the early summer, has been delayed due to the coronavirus pandemic. In a PTI interview, Reliance Entertainment Group CEO Shibashish Sarkar on Saturday said that they are “inclined” to release their much-awaited films–including 83 and Sooryavanshi–in cinemas but if there is delay in the opening of theatres, they will explore the avenues for digital release.
Reliance Entertainment had announced that Akshay’s cop drama will hit the theatres on Diwali, while 83 will release on Christmas this year .
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